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where is libXmu.so.6?

  Hello.  I'm a new debian user who just installed the floppy version of 1.2
to a p75, and I'm now trying to add X11R6.  I've installed xbase, xfntbase,
xlib6, xserver for vga16 and s3 (my card), but am unable to run any x
software because I always get a "xinit: can't load library 'libXmu.so.6'"
error.  I've checked my paths in /etc/ld.so.conf and /usr/X11R6/lib is
listed all right, and I've used updatedb and locate to search for the file
to no avail.  I've also tried adding xcompat, xlib6-dev, and xslib, but none
of these have helped.  If anyone can help me, I'd really appreciate it.
  Thanks in advance,

Kevin "Macavity" Luck	http://www.geocites.com/Paris/1515	toymaker@usa.net
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