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What gives? --- [vonhagen@les01.supelec.fr: Re: exp(x**2)*erfc(x) not correctly plotted]

I did try the procedure mentioned below in gnuplot.  An apparent error does
happen to me, something similar to what is mentioned in the below.  

Is this indeed an error in "linux"?  If so, traceable to what?

Alan Davis

-----Forwarded message from info-gnuplot mailing list.

>> I'm using gnuplot pre3.6 patch 328 under linux
>> I tried:
>> set xrange [0:40]
>> plot exp(x**2)*erfc(x)
>> I expect an asymthotic curve towards 0.
>> For x = 10 and x = 25 I get a jump.
>> Is there a possibility to force gnuplot to plot correctly?
>I tried the same on Solaris 2.5/Sparc with gnuplot beta 330
>I get the asymthotic curve you would like to have so I suggest this is a 
>problem for/of Linux.
>Otherwise the curve stops at about 27, that's where the exp function overflows..

Alan Davis

-----End of forwarded message-----

 Alan Eugene Davis      Marianas High School      15o 8.8'N       GMT+10        
 adavis@saipan.com      AAA 196 Box 10,001        145o 42.5'E             
 Voice: (670) 235-6580  Saipan, MP  96950                        
                        Northern Mariana Islands       

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 scheme of life, an increase in an individual's ability to pay is
 likely to take the form of an expenditure for some accredited line of
 conspicuous consumption"          

"there is no class of the community that spends a larger proportion
 of its substance in conspicuous waste than (the scholarly classes)."

"if a close inspection should show that the supposed hand-wrought
 spoon were in reality only a clever imitation of hand-wrought goods,
 but an imitation so cleverly wrought as to give the same impression
 of line and surface to any but a minute examination by a trained eye,
 the utility of the article, including gratification which the user
 derives from its contemplation as an object of beauty, would
 immediately decline by some eighty or ninety percent, or even more"

     ------Thorsten Veblen, _The Theory of the Leisure Class_

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