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lp-device trouble

I have a serious problem with my printer: it does not print.
If I try to print anything (via "cat" as root, or with "lpr"), 
the device seems to receive data, because its display says 
so ("PROCESSING...WAITING..." and then "READY"). 
But it still does not print.
My Debian is 1.2 of the InfoMagic Dev.Resource-CD.
I'm using apsfilter_4.9.1-10 (well, in fact I'm _not_using_ it so far).
My printer is a NEC Silentwriter S60P-Printer. This is a 
Postscript-Printer, but an old one. It works fine under DOS (Win95), 
and it had been sucessful the RedHat-Linux-Computer of a friend.
I do not use plip, I read the Printing-Howto and fiddled around with tunelp, 
it keeps saying things like:

#       bash# tunelp /dev/lp1
#       /dev/lp1 using polling
#       bash# tunelp /dev/lp1 -s
#       /dev/lp1 status is 223, on-line
#       bash# tunelp /dev/lp1 -i 7
#       /dev/lp1 using IRQ 7
#       bash# tunelp /dev/lp1 -s   
#       /dev/lp1 status is 223, on-line

with no positive effect on printing.

I tried, if a kernel-version-upgrade would help, but nope:
No printing with 2.0.27 nor 2.0.29.
lp-support is a module in the kernel, kerneld starts it at boot time.
#       bash# dmesg | grep lp
#       lp1 at 0x0378, (polling)

Can someone help me? Are there any tools to debug my 
problem further than with tunelp?
Like a kind of 'ping' for lp-devices?

Thank you in advance
Frank Barknecht
mailto: barknech@ph-cip.uni-koeln.de

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