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Re: lp-device trouble

barknech@ph-cip.uni-koeln.de writes:

> I have a serious problem with my printer: it does not print.
> If I try to print anything (via "cat" as root, or with "lpr"), 
> the device seems to receive data, because its display says 
> so ("PROCESSING...WAITING..." and then "READY"). 
> But it still does not print.

This is most likely a printer configuration problem.  Specifically
it's probably a line-termination character problem.  If I send my
printer a raw text file using cat or whatever, it'll hang because (I'm
fairly certain) it's looking for the DOS carriage-return line-feed
sequence to end a line.  If I send it a postscript file, it's fine.
There's a control sequence that I can send the printer to fix the
default, but I haven't bothered since I always send it postscript,
using enscript on raw text files (saves trees too)...

Hope this helps

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