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Re: Memory Gobbler

On Tue, 22 Apr 1997, Matt Lawrence wrote:

> I had similar problems with the kernel on the install disks.  If I let the
> system sit for a day or so (386 with 8M), I would get a bunch of "Couldn't
> get a free page" messages.  After rebuilding the kernel for my hardware,
> the message hasn't come back.  I've also seen this message on a 486 with
> 16M, it just took a couple of days to show up.  I beleive that there is
> some sort of a memory leak in the kernel as distributed.

I have rebuilt a kernel for my own hardware (always do, often do it a
couple of times while reorganising what gets compiled in and what's loaded
as a module).  So if there's a memory leak (which it seems there is,
though it took some time to show up), it's not solved just by avoiding the
distribution kernel.

Richard Shepherd (richards@waikato.ac.nz)

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