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Re: Do teTeX packages work well?

On Apr 17, Karl M. Hegbloom wrote

>  Has anyone else tried NTeX at all?  I have that installed here; I
> chose it because it comes with more documentation than teTeX did.  The 
> installer is Debian compatible; it even provides the right packages
> for things that depend on them.

AFAIR Debian came with NTeX before.  I seem to remember that there
were several problems with it.

Now it comes with teTeX which is a better maintainet package.  I have
used teTeX some years before it was packaged with Debian and it just
worked.  Before that I have used NTeX and it was a pain.

Anyway there should be sufficient documentation about LaTeX across
the net.  I just re-read the german lkurz alias LaTeX2e-Kurzbeschreibung.
I'm sure that a similiar english document does exist, too.

There are some resources which use the advantages of www.  At the
moment I'm not sure if it is a german or an english documentation, but
you might try http://escher.north.de/~soenke/ for a LaTeX cookbook.

There's also a german server called ftp.dante.de which is maintained
by the german (La)TeX association.  It is full of TeX related stuff - 
documentation, too.



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