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Re: Finding files not present (challenge to your intelligence)

>>>>> Eloy A Paris writes:

  Eloy> I was given a text file containing one file name (no full path
  Eloy> name) per line. My task consists of searching the entire
  Eloy> filesystem and generate a list of the files that are NOT
  Eloy> present.

updatedb generates a database of all file names on the system.  (It
only runs for a few minutes for my system.)

"locate foo" searches for all files names with a "foo" substring.  The
status code is 0 if at least one file was found, 1 otherwise.
(Actually, "foo" is a shell pattern with "*" and "?" wildcards.  Read
the man page for details.)

Does this get you closer to the solution?

I wish my mouth had a backso^Hpace key.

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