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DEC 21140 ethernet card ifconfig failure: "SIOCSIFFLAGS: Try again"

I'm installing Debian (1.2) for the first time.  The base install didn't
seem to have any problems, but my ethernet card isn't being configured
properly after the system comes up.  The card works in this machine
under Freebsd and Windows 95.

The card is an SMC 9332, it's a PCI card based on the DEC 21140 chip.  I
put "tulip" in /etc/modules.  When the module is loaded it displays

    tulip.c:v0.10 8/11/95 becker@cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov
	    +0.72 4/17/96 http://www.dsl.tutics.tut.ac.jp/~linux/tulip
	    +0.01 10/24/96 mjacob@feral.com (2.1.7)
    eth0: smc9332 (DEC 21140 Tulip) at 0xfc80, 00:00:c0:bb:08:bf, IRQ 9

but there's an error from ifconfig when /etc/init.d/network runs.  When
I run it by hand as root it looks like this:

    + ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast
    SIOCSIFFLAGS: Try again

If I run "ifconfig eth0" at this point it shows:

    eth0      Link encap:10Mbps Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:C0:BB:08:BF
	      inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
	      RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
	      TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
	      Interrupt:9 Base address:0xfc80

If I just run "ifconfig eth0 up" it gives me the same "SIOCSIFFLAGS: Try
again" error.

At first I specified all the modules I thought I'd want to the install
program, these ended up in /etc/modules.  After the card failed to
configure properly I tried commenting out all the modules except the one
for my ethernet card, but this didn't seem to change the symptoms.  (I
also tried leaving the tulip module out entirely, but then ifconfig said
that eth0 didn't exist.)

Can anyone spot what the problem is?  Please let me know if you need
more information.  I tried checking the ethernet howto and the bug
report subjects and the mail archives (searching for "smc" and "tulip").

Roderick Schertler

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