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RE: HELP! XDM locked me out of Linux!

Hi all:

I've done this as well. The only way I was to resolve it was to boot of a custom floppy.
Mount the root file system.
Remove the S99xdm (actually just move it some where else).
Get the system running without xdm
Put the S99xdm back where it belongs
Rerun xf98config
Restart xdm manually to test (/etc/init.d/xdm start)

Jesse Goldman <jgoldman@miranda.fnal.gov> writes:

> I may have misunderstood your problem but, from you letter, I'm guessing
> that you get a standard xdm login/password box which then keeps resetting.
> If that's the case, did you try using an alternate virtual console?

I've gotten bitten by this problem before, and this solution
unfortunately won't help.  The machine cycles so fast between
launching X and X dying that you only get a fraction of a second at
the console, then it switches back to X, then back to the console,
then back to X...

You can't type anything reliably, because only a small portion of your
keypresses make it to the console.


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