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Re: Where can I find xterm_color?

>>>>> "Shaya" == Shaya Potter <spotter@itd.nrl.navy.mil> writes:

 Shaya> On Mon, 20 Jan 1997, Nathan L. Cutler wrote:
 >> >>>>> "John" == John <goto@compmore.net> writes:
 John> I finally got X Windows up and running, and I'm using fvwm95,
 John> but when I try and start a new sheel, the message "xterm_color"
 John> appears in my login window.
 John> Also, how do I set the LS_OPTIONS so that my directory listings
 John> will be in color?  Right now I am using an alias, but that's a
 John> sloppy way to do it.  Also, does fvwm95 support colorized
 John> listings?
 >>  I don't know anything about fvwm95, but if you put the following
 >> line in your .bash_profile or equivalent, 'ls' should display in
 >> color:
 >> eval `dircolors`

 Shaya> I don't think this works anymore, I think the color-ls was
 Shaya> folded into the normal ls, and you have to put all the aliases
 Shaya> in your .bash_{rc,profile} manually.  However, I can't verify
 Shaya> this since my system at work doesn't seem to want to accept
 Shaya> any connections right now except for telnet's to port 25 (so
 Shaya> at least I know it hasn't crashed :-) )

Here's what I got in my .bashrc to set up color.

if [ $ANSI = "true" ] ; then
  eval `dircolors ~/.dir_colors`
if [ $ANSI = "true" ] ; then
  LS_BIN="/bin/ls --color"
alias ls="$LS_BIN -FC" # removed argument 'o' from these three lines
alias l="$LS_BIN -lFC"
alias dir="$LS_BIN -l"
alias cls="clear ; $LS_BIN"

(I check earlier in the file to make sure I'm on a terminal that can
deal with ansi codes.  At the moment I just hard code the terminals I
know won't work.  Anyone know a better way?)

And as to xterm I just added (as someone on this list suggested) the
XTerm*customization: -color

to my .Xdefaults file.  Others have said that cating the
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/XTerm-color file on the end of the
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/XTerm file will have the same effect.


@James LewisMoss                 | moss@cs.sc.edu | Blessed Be!
@    http://www.cs.sc.edu/~moss  | dres@scsn.net  | Linux is cool!
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