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Re: Some thoughts for Debian.

I disagree.  From what I've read, the Debian charter doesn't stop
commercial vendors or indeed anyone from making their own distribution
based on Debian containing as few or as many packages as they want.  So
the Debian team doesn't really need to get involved in that.  Yes the
distribution is huge but until it overflows the 650 MB capacity of a
CD-ROM there is no need to needlessly restrict peoples choices.

Maybe that would be a good idea.  What if experienced (or just opinionated
:-) debian users put up web pages, perhaps at some central location like
www.debian.org detailing their own mini-distributions.  There would a list
of packages with links into the ftp site, a little blurb describing why
the particular packages were chosen or what specific task the mini-
distribution was designed for.  contributors could also supply their
own additional documentation and act as the tech support for their mini-

-- Jaldhar

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