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Re: slang and xterm

> I have encountered the following problem since moving to Debian (1.2),
> and I must admit I cannot find the solution. It appears
> that some binaries compiled with slang (jed and most in any event) will
> not load in an xterm
> (nor for that matter in an rxvt, itself an slang binary!): the reply is
> always:
> "terminal not powerful enough for slang". Never saw that before. Is it a
> matter of updating the Slang lib? They work fine on a tty, xjed works
> fine as well. Any clue?

Well, when I was still seeing that message, typing
in xterm would solve the problem, and at least slrn would start
up. (The problem beeing that slang binaries first try to see the
terminal's capabilities from the TERMCAP var, and in xterm that
doesn't show everything. If TERMCAP is undefined, it looks at
TERM, and realizes it's an xterm, and then everything is OK).

 But for some reason, slrn now doesn't come up with that message
any more (maybe new version of slrn).

joost witteveen
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