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Re: Getting a good X-Face...

Larry wrote: 
> Does anyone have a good procedure for making a decent face file? As
> you can see with the proper tools, I've managed to create one, but the
> dithering is pretty bad. Has anyone else out there made a face, and if
> so, how'd you do it.

I just made mine a few days ago.  I'm not sure if it's any good, but here's
how I did it.

I used hpscanpbm to scan in a crummy photo of myself (in color) - cranked
up the brightness.  Then I used the imagemagick tools to increase the contrast 
a few times.  Then I converted it to monochrome.  I think the procedure will be 
different depending on the quality of the original picture.  For example, I
had some success by simply reducing the number of colors (using the -colors 2
option for mogrify) instead of dithering.

I made a little script to simplify experimentation:

cp jimhead1.pbm jimtemp.pbm ; mogrify -contrast jimtemp.pbm ; mogrify jimtemp.pb
m ; mogrify -contrast -contrast -contrast jimtemp.pbm ; mogrify -monochrome jimt
cp jimtemp.pbm jimhead2.pbm ; display jimhead2.pbm &

Then I used an xbm2xface.pl script I found on the net (from an emacs or xemacs
FAQ I think) to create the actual X-Face string.  For some reason, doing
'cat jimhead2.pbm | pbmtoicon | compface' didn't work for me.

Hope this helps.


 - Jim

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