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Hi there,

  I'd like to propose a little change for some of the existing packages
(including fvwm95, dosemu, afterstep, fvwm-common, elvis, tgif, ctwm,
wily, xsok, offix and some others).

  Is there really a *NEED* for each package to have its icons somewhere
else (just to name a few of the directories where icons are stored
/usr/X11R6/icons, /usr/images, /usr/include/pixmaps,
/usr/X11R6/include/X11/pixmaps, /usr/X11R6/lib/ctwm/images).
Also, if someone were willing, could someone maybe put all those icons
together into a single package (stored in a single directory) that is
required by the others?



 Benedikt Eric Heinen  -  Muehlemattstrasse 53  -  CH3007 Bern  -   SWITZERLAND
 email: beh@icemark.thenet.ch				 phone: ++41.79.3547891

RIOT, n.  A popular entertainment given to the military by innocent bystanders.

				     Ambrose Bierce  ``The Devil's Dictionary''

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