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Re: A proposal to improve dselect

On Wed, 8 Jan 1997, Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:

> >>>>> "Hamish" == Hamish Moffatt <moffatt@yallara.cs.rmit.edu.au> writes:
>     Hamish>   Pressing / and entering the same search just takes you
>     Hamish> back to the first result again. This is counter-intuitive
>     Hamish> for users of vi, less etc. Lynx uses "n" to repeat a
>     Hamish> search but dselect doesn't use that either.
>  I thought the same thing.  It should work like 'less' does.  And have
> {C-s} and {C-M-s} incremental searching like Emacsen do as well,
> perhaps.
This begins to look like a religeous discussion ;-)

The real question is: "What key does dselect use for repeat searches?"
rather than "What key should it be?".

I'm not an expert on dselect. I use dpkg almost exclusively to do my
incremental upgrades. I don't know if there is such a key, or not, but
it's clear it isn't documented very well if there is one. If there isn't
the bug is in the software instead of the docs (or including the docs).
Do we have an expert out there who can answer this question?



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