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Re: How much space does a Debian mirror take?

On Thu, 9 Jan 1997, Timothy Phan wrote:

>   Secondly, how much faster can I see between the 28.8 modem, ISDN,
>   T1, T2 , etc.  I'd also want to know what should I need from the
>   ISP in order to setup the connection between my Debian/Linux box
>   to the ISP. 
ISDN is 64.  T1 is a monster, and if you can't get ISDN, Its extremely
unlikely that you could get one.  And if you could, unless you are
extremely wealthy, you couldn't afford it.

> All the ISPs seem to support only WFW3.11/95/Mac/NT
>   and not Linux.
Depends on what you mean by support.  If you mean when you tell them
you are using Linux, they can tell you how to set up your chatscript,
then no, they usually don't support it.  On the other hand, if it can
run MS products, you should be able to set up Linux whithout to much
of a problem.  As a side note, I noted that usually the guys taking the
calls are totally clueless.  A friend of mine told them he was using 
Linux, and the guy behind the desk said 'whats that?'.  His boss told
him 'It's what the shell account runs on, stupid.'
>   Also,  how much faster if the the connection is PPP vs. SLIP or CSLIP?
On a clean line, CSLIP is supposedly the fastest.  On a dirty line, PPP
is the fastest.  CSLIP is faster than SLIP, since its SLIP w/ compression.
However, in general, its unlikely that you would notice the difference,
and for other reasons I can't remember, your probaly best off running


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