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Latex BUG!!!

I have been fighting with trying to install the tex related
utilities in the unstable subdir for several days now.  Finally
I have triumphed.

My findings suggest that 'cfg, russian, and swedish' should
not be selected when running texconfhyphen of the package
texlib.  This doesn't affect texlib, but it does not function
on my setup when configuring latex.

If 'cfg' is selected, my hard drive will fill up because the
script that configures latex keeps sending 'y\n' to the stdin
of a process which is logging 'type X to exit, Q to quietly quit, etc..'
to a log file over and over and over and...

If russian or swedish is chosen, I get:
Rebuilding `latex' format ... Try /usr/sbin/install-fmt-base --help

when configuring latex.

Is this a known bug?  I'm willing to --purge any files and
retry and/or install additional packages if it will get
everything to work ok, or to do additional testing.  I
just hope this is a useful bug report.

-- Todd T. Fries .. friest@acm.org

linux 2.1.20
latex 2e-7
texlib 1.0-5

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