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dpkg-ftp, SOCKS, elf dynamic linking

Someone recently posted a question about how they could use the 
ftp access method for dselect (dpkg-ftp) across a SOCKS 4.x firewall.
I've wanted to do this for quite a while myself, and it seemed to me
the shorted path would be to first create a perl package called 
'RSocket' with the same functions/syntax as Socket and then just 
replace the 'use Socket' with 'use RSocket'. I'm positive this would
work, but then I looked at the utilities for created dynalink (???)
packages to object libraries and decided I'd have to wait until I
had time to spend a few hours learning how to do this. Since that time
I've had it in the back of my mind and then the other day I thought
"Hey, wait a minute! Doesn't ELF just use the object symbols to perform
dynamic linking? Couldn't I just make a SOCKS shared libraries with
its socket calls renamed to be the same as the regular socket calls
and put this in the front of my LD_LIBRARY_PATH before I run dpkg-ftp?"
My suspicion is that this would not work unless I made a version of 
the entire C library to replace the one I have. Am I wrong? Has anyone
made a SOCKS package for perl? Isn't there a better way?

Jens B. Jorgensen

ps. Yes, I know if I were a *real* man I'd make that perl package
and then make a new dpkg-ftp (dpkg-socks-ftp?) and share it with the
rest of my debian brothers/sisters--I just don't have the time.

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