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fvwm won't start.

I have X all nicely set up now, but fvwm won't run.  I have both fvwm and fvwm2 
installed (fvwm version 1.24r-24) and when I try to start fvwm (and several other
graphical programs) I get the message

fvwm:  can't load library 'libXpm.so.4'

I am running X 3.2, and have several 'libX**.so.6' files in /usr/X11R6/lib, but not
that one.

Any suggestions?  By the way, this group (both in response to my questions and
in the archives) is largely responsible for my getting linux up and running.  Thanks.

Robert Platt

McGill University -- Montreal Children's Hospital 
Research Institute

"For every complex and difficult problem there is always a
simple and easy solution... and it's wrong"
                                                      --  H.L. Mencken

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