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What's the trick with X 3.2?

I've looked through the dependencies and I think xlib6 should be installed
first.  Turns out there is something called "xlib" that is blocking an
easy upgrade.  I get the following few errors:

dpkg: considering removing xlib in favour of xlib6 ...
dpkg: no, cannot remove xlib (--auto-deconfigure will help):
 gwm depends on xlib (>= 3.1.2-4)
  xlib is to be removed.
dpkg: regarding xlib6_3.2-1.deb containing xlib6:
 xlib6 conflicts with elf-x11r6lib
  xlib provides elf-x11r6lib and is installed.
dpkg: error processing xlib6_3.2-1.deb (--install):
 conflicting packages - not installing xlib6
Errors were encountered while processing:

I don't know much about dpkg.  I've tried using
"dpkg -purge --force-depends xlib" followed by the same install above.  I
was able to install xlib6 this way but nothing worked.

So, how do I get over this first hump?


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