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Error making kernel package

Hi Folks -

In my never ending saga with Debian Linux and the custom kernel I finally
found thanks to help from others on the net dpkg-dev.... and installed it.
When I tried to make the custom kernel package I get the following error:

warning, 'debian/tmp-image/DEBIAN/control/' contains user-defined field
dpkg-deb: building package 'kernel-image-2.0.25' in '..'.
dpkg-deb: ignoring 1 warning about control file(s)
dpkg-deb: unable to create '..': Is a directory
make: *** [stamp-image] Error 2

Some one please explain this to me.  I've done everything as it says in
the docs and I can't understand why it is so hard to build a kernel in
Debian Linux.  While the idea of package handling is good I am beginning
to feel a bit frustrated by all this.  I don't understand why it has to be
so difficult to build a custom kernel.  Building a kernel is probably one
of the most important things a person would do with his/her linux box and
while slackware has received much bad PR recently I can say that building
a kernel with it is much easier.

email: jcaser01@fiu.edu

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