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Problems building Python 1.4


I'm trying to build Python 1.4 on my Debian box to test the alpha
release of the Numerical module.  The 'configure' script fails when I
include the option '--with-readline' because it cannot find the
termcap library.  Is this library included in the 'libreadline'
library?  Readline appears to depend on it and it is nowhere to be
found.  If this is the case I'm sure Guido would like to know about
it, so he can modify the Python configure script.

 -- Paul

| Paul Barrett  -  Astrophysicist  -  Universities Space Research Association |
|                 Compton Observatory Science Support Center                  |
| NASA/Goddard SFC     phone: 301-286-1108           "Cracking toast, Gromit" |
| Code 660.1,          FAX:   301-286-1681            says Wallace.           |
| Greenbelt,MD 20771   barrett@compass.gsfc.nasa.gov  (in The Wrong Trousers) |
|             http://lheawww.gsfc.nasa.gov/users/barrett/CV.html              |

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