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Re: package versining problem

Zachary DeAquila writes:
> can dpkg be modified to ignore non-numeric, non-punctuation in the version numbers/?
> lyx, for instance, was originally lyx_pre-10.3_1.deb or somesuch
> but is now lyx_10.6_2.deb or something like that. but p>10, so
> going to the new version is 'downgrading'. bleh.
>  --Z
> --
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The way dpkg works (based on my limited experience) is that it ignores most of the 
version number. The version number is actually two parts: the program version and the
package revision. Also, dpkg ignores the package files name, it looks at the package
name inside the deb file. Both packages you mentioned have the package name lyx.
Dpkg ignores the program version (pre-10.3), but instead looks at the package
revision (1). That way, it doesn't have to know about all the different ways versions
are expressed.
Stephen Pitts					pitts2@memphisonline.com
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