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Re: msql doesn't start when I boot

On Thu, 10 Oct 1996, CoB SysAdmin wrote:

>I installed the msql package and it tries to start itself from a script
>called "run-msqld" in /usr/sbin. The script runs msqld, waits for
>it to exit, mails a crash report to "msql" and then waits 15 seconds
>before trying to spawn it again.
>Well, ever since I installed it, it's been filling my /var/spool/mail 
>with crash reports. It seems that, every 15 seconds, msqld fails another
>attempt to bind to its port at 4333. (Yes, I've checked /etc/services and
>/etc/inetd.conf... nothings using that port).
>Funny thing is: if I kill "run-msqld" and then re-run it (as root),
>msqld comes up just fine. 
>Any ideas? I figure this must be happening to some other folks since this
>happened to me *right* out of the box. I didn't tweak anything.
same to me. Solution (as root):
   chmod -R msql.msql /var/run/msql
The ownership of the installed files is wrong.
I hope this is the right fix. Something like this had already been filed as
a bug report.


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