Can't do setuid
I need the ability to run my dialing script as root since the script
makes hostname, domainname, and /etc/resolv changes.
It appears that Debian Linux does not have setuid capability. Is this a
feature that I can turn on through a configuration file?
Do all Linux distributions (Slackware, Redhat, etc) have this
restriction? Which distributions allow suid?
Where does the restriction take place (the kernel or an executable
Suid programs work on Sun Unix, but it don't seem to work here:
-rws--x--x 1 root users 1413 Oct 8 14:18 dial-att
> dial-att
Can't do setuid
At present I have to su to root in order to dial. This is an
inconvenience and will not work for other user accounts. I am aware of
the programs available that perform the equivalent of setuid but the
issue here is why isn't the setuid function implemented (apparantly)?
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