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Mail system

Hi all,

I have decided to assume that my ipfwadm/diald configuration works, and
will connect it to the internal network.

Now onto another subject, I need to set up mail services. My internal
network will have an eventual (dial-up) connection, so all mailboxes will
be handled by my ISP (reuna.cl). All the people working on the internal net
will have mail boxes with the ISP. Periodically (once an hour) the mail
system must connect to the outside world and read the specified mailboxes.
I have installed smail but I can't seem to find anything in the
documentation that will allow me to do this.

The network structure I have is as follows

1) ISP - reuna.cl

2) Linux host - gandalf@middle_earth.reuna.cl (my own invention may not be

3) Internal network - Ethernet

4) Internet connection - diald/ppp with ip masquerading

5) Test to run receive and dispatch mail for smartin@reuna.cl from the

Any bright ideas?


"Simon Martin"<smartin@reuna.cl>

"Old software engineers never die, they just fail to boot"

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