Re: make-kpgk modules troubles
Wouldn't it be more appropriate to offer the user the option
of inserting a floppy and making a boot disk as part of the
make-kpkg kernel_image?
Or perhaps the ./ kernel-images.... NOT to require
the .deb format?
I must admit I haven't given this a lot of thought. But I too was
weaned on Slackware and am used to rolling my own.
>The following might be useful input for both questions:
>make-kpkg provides a kernel-image package that can be managed and manipulated
>like other Debian packages. The accessibility of all the files involved
>in upgrading a kernel to the Debian tools is an advantage, especially if
>one is trying out many kernel configurations and/or versions.
>Once I run
> make-kpkg kernel_image
>it is very easy to make a new copy of the Debian boot disk, using the
>boot-floppies package:
> cd /usr/src/bootfloppies-1.1.1
> ./ kernel-image-2.0.whatever.deb /dev/fd0 1440
>This makes a handy emergency boot disk (even though its initial primary
>design was for installation.) One can't use the boot floppies script
>without the kernel-image .deb file.
>Susan Kleinmann
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