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Re: What's up with debian-user headers?

David Sewell writes:
-> Are the mail headers for this list in flux?
-> For a long time, I've been using procmail to filter on
-> "Resent-From: debian-user".  In the last day or so some 
-> messages are missing that header.  So I shifted to
-> filtering on "* TO: debian-user".  Problem is, some of
-> the messages are being sent to debian-user via a
-> cc line that is given as "cc" rather than the standard
-> "Cc", so procmail isn't picking them up.  

I'd like to second this.. I'm using slocal (from the MH package) and
was filtering on resent-from, now I'm filtering on to and cc, but I'd
rather have the resent-from added back in.  That way, replies to
messages of mine that go both to me and the list go in my inbox
instead of the list mailbox (Which I consider a feature :).  Please
get the resent-from back in there then leave the headers alone :)


  Larry Daffner        |  Linux: Unleash the workstation in your PC!
  vizzie@airmail.net / http://web2.airmail.net/vizzie/
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        --Kurt Vonnegut

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