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RE: PS/2 Mouse Driver in Debian 1.1 2.0.0

Martin Stromberg wrote:

>[Klippa, klapp, kluppit]
>> BTW, if you look in the archives, you should find _tons_ on this topic.
>> :-)
>> Casper Boden-Cummins.
>So where are the recent archives you're talking about, or are you joking
>(the smiley)?
>And before you say "http://www.debian.org/Lists-Archives/";, I suggest that
>you first look there. The last entry in debian-user seems to be dated Jun 24.

Right, yes. While the archives go back some way, on checking it seems
that the thread I was referring to has yet to be archived. (There is
some discussion on the topic in debian-user-9505.) The smiley was
referring to the sheer length and breadth of discussion (read:
occasional irrelevance) of the thread.

>This is not a flame, just providing some information,

Hm, fine. I have fire-retardant skin anyway.

>PS If this reaches you then your reply address should be bodec@sherwood.co.uk
>not bodec@Sherwood.co.uk.

Well, actually it doesn't matter because SMTP doesn't recognise case as
special. The arbitrary capitalisation is merely the irritating
preferences of our mail administrator.

Hope you resolve the problem.

Casper Boden-Cummins.

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