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Debian quirks?

Here's a few things that has been bothering me for a while.  Have I done
something wrong, or should the following be considered bugs:

1:2345:respawn:/bin/login root </dev/tty1 >/dev/tty1 2>&1
The problem is that login waits 60 seconds before giving up.  The init
start to respawn this line until it is disabled for 5 minutes.  This
behaviour continues forever or until the line is replaced with a "normal"

This program doesn't seem to know what console it wants it input on and
therefore doesn't get any input at all.  Had to add /dev/console to get it
to work.

Several programs seems to prefer /tmp over /var/tmp.  I have a 30MB /
partition, and only about 10MB space free on /tmp.   This didn't work very
well while trying to restore a 50MB file from taper.  (I've now mounted
100MB on /tmp to avoid the problem.)

Is there some switch that will make this fiend of a program stop adding
everything that is listed as recommended automatically?  I find that
whenever I enter the select menu it (dselect) will happily add a lot of
stuff that I don't want just because is is "Recommended".  When I then
proceed to remove the aforementioned programs, the program that originally
did the "recommend" is marked for purge or something similar.. (This might
be because I just don't understand the internal logics of deselect or just
because I do something wrong, but it still causes me to spend 15 minutes
just checking for what has disappeared and what has been unintentionally
added every time I've ventured into the select menu of dselect.)

(I usually use dpkg, as there I know what is happening.)

And btw:  Thanks for a brilliant distribution!

Vebby  <vebjorn@mo.himolde.no> <vebjorn@himolde.no> <vebjorn@hsr.no>

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