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Re: login and bash on a hardwired terminal.

>>>>> Dale Scheetz <dwarf@polaris.net> writes:

> On Fri, 7 Jun 1996, Steve Preston wrote:

>> One explanation that would fit this behavior is that your terminal
>> is configured to expect more stop bits than the linux box is
>> sending.

> This is a very nice idea, except that it ignores the fact that getty
> can print the login message to the terminal just fine. It is only
> login and bash that don't seem to talk right. I don't see how getty
> could send slow enough to not error and login not. They are both
> using the same driver, aren't they?

Yes, they use the same driver, but your problem starts when getty
exec's login.  So I suspect that login is changing the characteristics
of the tty.

I just looked at the termios manpage, and it is possible to set the
number of stop bits to 1 or 2 (see the CSTOPB constant).  It is also
possible to set the number of databits (see the CSIZE constant) to
anything from 5 to 8.  It could be that getty sets csize and cstopb to
liberal values, like 8 data bits and 2 stop bits, and login sets one
and/or the other to smaller values.

>From bash or whatever shell, you can try saying
  stty cs8 cstopb

Steve Preston (spreston@gte.com)

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