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Re: Debian Mirror

Andrew Stephen <andrews@intrepid.byteline.com.au> wrote:
|I have set up a debian mirror on my hdd and was wondering what is the 
|best way to move it to another partion.

The most common way is to do something a-la

"cd original-dir; tar cf - . | (cd new-dir; tar xvf -)"

NOTE: there are many flags, especially for GNU tar, to tell it to
preserve whatever you can, especially important for you are
modification times (sparse files handling is also very important,
usually, but I'd be surprised if mirror(1) creates such files).  Just
read carefully the man page or the tar 'usage' output.  When you find
these flags, put them before the 'f' flag of either tar command, as
approperiate (or use the long format, I think at least one of the
flags is available only in long format).

|Also what is the approx size of the complete debian site.

I think 'mirror -d -d -d -n' will give you that (it says somewhere the
total number of bytes it would copy, pay attention to block-size
rounding if you are tight on space).

I'd also be interested in what you find about this (the size, that
is), as I hope to upgrade my borrowed Slak2 disk to Debian soon.



--Amos Shapira                      | "Of course Australia was marked for
133 Shlomo Ben-Yosef st.            |  glory, for its people had been chosen
Jerusalem 93 805                    |  by the finest judges in England."
ISRAEL          amoss@cs.huji.ac.il |                     -- Anonymous

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