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Re: bigger, sexier, more phly debian...

masoto@uniandes.edu.co (Martin Alonso Soto Jacome)  wrote on 17.04.96 in <[🔎] Pine.LNX.3.91.960417091836.3726C-100000@naoma.uniandes.edu.co>:

> I think Java can be ported to whatever graphics system is available.  It
> would even be possible to develop a X protocol extension allowing client
> apps to send Java programs to the X server in order to be executed
> directly there.  That would make execution of Java very efficient, even
> across very slow connections, and wouldn't need a complete rework of X,
> only a protocol extension that can be added without modifying the big and
> complex core of the windowing system.

Well, the idea was to get rid of that much-too-big core.

The concept is something like

main application   <------------------>  Java frontend (downloaded)
   OS                   network link      Java server
"computer"                                 "terminal"

where, as an implementation detail, the "terminal" could either have a  
direct interface to the display hardware, or run an Xserver, or run  
Windows, or run MacOS, or ... you get the idea.

Drawing commands would, in general, be from the frontend to the server,  
not from the application to the server, as is the standard with X. The  
same (just in the opposite direction) for handling user input.

Anyway, I agree that it's not a Debian concern - at least as long as  
there's nothing to package. So we should probably take it off the list.

I've had this idea for a long time, but just recently realized Java just  
might be the thing to make it fly. Doing it in some obscure language  
nobody ever heard of would be a certain way to block any possible success,  
of course.

MfG Kai

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