Re: Seg 11 in GCC (Glenn Bily) wrote on 28.03.96 in <[🔎] ElKh2Vpz000141G0sk@gvb>:
> I have a hard time believing that RAM goes bad as much as you guys/gals
> claim. Nor do I really believe this would happen with modern machines.
> Yes GCC is a memory hog (though they are trying to fix this). If you
> encounter a memory hardware error I think your machine probably would
> not have booted in the first place.
Then how do _you_ explain that about 99% of all "gcc got signall 11"
problems can be solved by getting new RAM, changing waitstates, and
similar actions?
BTW, I've seen it with other software as well. For example, many, many
people found out that their hardware was faulty when they switched to OS/2
> If you guys/gals REALLY believe you have bad RAM. Please feel free to
> send me all your "bad memory" (simms only please) where your only
> symptom is a Seg fault in gcc. Send RAM to:
Oh well, I have a nice bridge I'd like to sell you ...
MfG Kai
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