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Re: Tcl7.4 and Tk4.0 packages for 0.93???

> I've just installed 0.93R6,  and have noticed that the
> Tcl Tk modules are still using the older versions. I'd
> like to create packages for everybody of the new versions
> 7.4 and 4.0 - how do I go about it?

I will be updating the Tcl/Tk packages to 7.4/4.0 and ELF shortly
after I catch up from being away for a week.  Until then, you can
use my non-Debian versions on ftp.ods.com:/pub/linux.

> I also tried to compile Python 1.3 without succes,  but have
> noticed thta it looks for libX11.a,  which was not present
> on my system.  Symblinking liboldX.a to libX11.a let it compile,
> but I don't yet know if it works.

X hasn't been converted to ELF yet.  Until it is, you can use the
elf-x11r6lib package on ftp.debian.org:/debian/project/experimental/elf.

David Engel                        Optical Data Systems, Inc.
david@ods.com                      1101 E. Arapaho Road
(214) 234-6400                     Richardson, TX  75081

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