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Re: install questions

 Luby>> 4. It appears that the xf86config program has bugs.
 Luby>> Examples.
 Luby>> -- After I run it, xinit failed because it could not find
 Luby>> /dev/mouse.  I created a link from /dev/ps2mouse to
 Luby>> /dev/mouse.  This got rid of the mouse error message.

 Swift> xf86config is apparently not tuned for Debian's choice of device
 Swift> names; you may want to submit this as a Debian bug report if it's not already
 Swift> been done.  Your fix will work fine, as will setting the device
 Swift> directly in the configuration file.

Well, should we change base (which handles /dev) or xbase (which
handles xf86config)?  I'd think that base would be the right one:

 A) It adds compatibility to other (brain-dead) programs which expect
    a /dev/mouse to exist (I don't know of any offhand, but...)

 B) It keeps the changes within Debian, which is much easier than
    having to modify XFree86 from xfree86.org, repackage, et al.

This may be more appropriate to debian-devel, but for continuity and
because 99.9% of debian-devel takes debian-user, I'm leaving it here.

http://www.wp.com/joelh --- Joel Ray Holveck --- joelh@gnu.ai.mit.edu

Fourth law of computing:
  Anything that can go wro
.signature: segmentation violation -- core dumped

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