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sudo problem

As user cas, I tried to use sudo to run a command (forgetting that I
hadn't edited the sudo conf file with visudo to allow it).

sudo refused to allow me to run the command as root. Which is what it
should do, of course :-)

What isn't working is it's email notification to root of the attempted
sudo access.  sudo tried to mail the message, but couldn't for some
reason...the mail got bounced back to cas.

Not good.

BTW, where should I send bug reports to?  debian-user isn't the right 
place, of course.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Return-Path: <MAILER-DAEMON>
Received: from muffin.pronet.com by muffin.pronet.com
	 with bsmtp id <m0tHKUu-000NqVC@muffin.pronet.com>
	(Debian /\oo/\ Smail3.1.29.1 #29.33); Mon, 20 Nov 95 11:54 EST
Message-Id: <m0tHKUu-000NqVC@muffin.pronet.com>
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 95 11:54 EST
From: <MAILER-DAEMON@muffin.pronet.com>
To: cas
Subject: mail failed, returning to sender
Reference: <m0tHKUq-000NmCC@muffin.pronet.com>

|------------------------- Message log follows: -------------------------|
 no valid recipients were found for this message
|------------------------- Message text follows: ------------------------|
Received: by muffin.pronet.com
	id <m0tHKUq-000NmCC@muffin.pronet.com>
	(Debian /\oo/\ Smail3.1.29.1 #29.33); Mon, 20 Nov 95 11:54 EST
Message-Id: <m0tHKUq-000NmCC@muffin.pronet.com>
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 95 11:54 EST
From: cas (Craig Sanders)
To: root
Subject: *** SECURITY information ***

muffin : Mon Nov 20 11:54:05 :      cas : user NOT in sudoers ; PWD=/home/cas ; COMMAND=/bin/cp /old/usr/lib/phone.txt /usr/lib 

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