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LinWare mailinglist


As I told you yesterday, I have found the address of the LinuxWare
(now: LinxWare) mailinglist:

Ales Dryak <ales@klokan.sh.cvut.cz> tells me:

| Hi all,
| I want to announce LinWare mailing list I've established now. Since I've
| received an e-mail from you regarding LinWare (formerly LinuxWare) I expect 
| you to be insterested in such a list. If you aren't, excuse me and
| ignore this mail.
| Topics for the list:
| - discussing LinWare server, its features, installation problems and bugs
| - using IPX protocol under Linux
| - IPX routing and router daemons under Linux
| You can subscribe to the list by sending command "add linware" in mail
| message body to address: "listserv@sh.cvut.cz".
| Your list postings should be sent to address: "linware@sh.cvut.cz".
| Ales Dryak

So far from here. Have a nice day,


                ------*------,  Martin Schulze
-------------   '---  ------'   University of Oldenburg
'-------- --'      / /          Institute for Computer Science
    ---' '-------/ /--,         Institute OFFIS - Hardware
     '----------------'         office: joey@bach.Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE
   Beam me up, Scotty!!!        private: Martin.Schulze@Infodrom.North.DE

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