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Re: Seyon 2.12

James Robinson <jimr@simons-rock.edu> writes:

> I recomiled Seyon to use /var/spool/locks.  Now how does one go about
> contributing it?  I am at a loss as to whether we should just send
> the source somewhere, or create a .deb package ourselves (I have no
> idea how)...

Since Debian is following the FSSTND directory and file structure, you
should compile any program device locks to use "/var/lock".

I normally don't post sections from the FSSTND here, but this seems
like an appropriate time.  If you plan to develop any stuff for Debian
and you want a copy of the whole thing, please mail me.  Also, it is
planned to make the FSSTND public as soon as a few last minute things
are cleared up.

Technically, using /var/spool/locks will work since there is a symlink
from /var/spool/locks to /var/lock.

Also, /var/lock was used rather than /var/spool/locks to make a clean
break from /usr/spool/uucp and /usr/spool/locks in addition to other
reasons such as "locks aren't spooled".

| 5.4. /var/lock : Lock files
| Lock files should be stored within the /var/lock directory structure.
| /var/lock : Lock files
|           |
|           +- emacs      : Emacs lock files
| To preserve the ability to mount /usr read-only, no lock files or lock
| file systems should be stored on the /usr partition.
| Device lock files, such as the serial device lock files which are found
| in /usr/spool/locks or /usr/spool/uucp, should be stored in /var/lock.
| The naming convention which should be followed is `LCK..{device}'.  For
| instance, if you are using a program which uses /dev/cua0, then it
| should create a lock file, `/var/lock/LCK..cua0'.  The format used for
| Linux device lock files should be the HDB style.  The HDB style is to
| write the locking process ID in ASCII, padded with leading zeroes to ten
| characters, followed by a newline.
| Then, anything wishing to use /dev/cua0 can observe the lock file and
| act accordingly.
| Programs with large lock file systems should use a subdirectory of
| /var/lock.  For instance, GNU Emacs normally stores Emacs lock files in
| /usr/lib/emacs/lock -- this poses a serious problem if you are trying to
| mount /usr read-only.  Emacs lock files should instead be placed in
| /var/lock/emacs.
| If you are a developer/maintainer of an application which uses lock
| files in any manner, it is a good idea to contact the FSSTND mailing
| list or me to discuss the arrangement of your lock files.
| At this time, lock files which are stored in /etc, such as pid lock
| files, should remain in /etc.


Daniel Quinlan  <quinlan@spectrum.cs.bucknell.edu>

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