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Re: Duda de instalación (Unstable / Testing)

El día 23 de julio de 2010 10:02, Camaleón <noelamac@gmail.com> escribió:
> (...)
> ¿Alguna ventaja de "unstable" sobre "testing"? ¿Qué os inclina a elegir
> una u otra? Supongo que si no veo ninguna diferencia entre ambas es
> porque que me conviene instalar la versión "testing" ;-)

En la web[1] de Debian hay una breve  descripción de cada release:

[2] Testing
The code name for the next major Debian release after lenny is "squeeze".
This release started as a copy of lenny, and is currently in a state
called "testing". That means that things should not break as badly as
in unstable or experimental distributions, because packages are
allowed to enter this distribution only after a certain period of time
has passed, and when they don't have any release-critical bugs filed
against them.
Please note that security updates for "testing" distribution are not
yet managed by the security team. Hence, "testing" does not get
security updates in a timely manner.

[3] The unstable distribution (sid)
"sid" is subject to massive changes and in-place library updates. This
can result in a very "unstable" system which contains packages that
cannot be installed due to missing libraries, dependencies that cannot
be fulfilled etc. Use it at your own risk!

Tengo SID instalado en una netbook Asus HD1000, la utilizo a diario y
te puedo asegurar que nunca he tenido mayores problemas. La gran
ventaja de SID es que uno puede hacer un seguimiento en la evolucion
de la release a diario. E inclusive contribuir con feedback enviando
fallos y bugs a los desarrolladores.

[1] http://www.debian.org/releases/
[2] http://www.debian.org/releases/testing/
[3] http://www.debian.org/releases/unstable/

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