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Re: Fichero config de p3scan

Adjunto  configuracion de P3scan para habilitar un gateway antivirus.

#habilito el p3scan con prerouting
iptables -I INPUT -s -p tcp --dport 8110 -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -s -d ! -p tcp --dport 110  -j REDIRECT   --to-port 8110


#                                                                        #
#                         P3Scan Version 1.0                             #
#                                                                        #
#                       default configuration file                       #
#                      all params are set to default                     #
#                                                                        #

# (C) 2003/2004 by Jack S. Lai <laitcg@cox.net>

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

# PID File
#   where to write a pid-file
#   default: /var/run/p3scan/p3scan.pid
pidfile = /var/run/p3scan/p3scan.pid

# Max Childs
#   The maximum number of connections we will handle at once. Any further
#   connections will be dropped. Keep in mind that a number of 10 also
#   means that 10 viruscanner can run at once.
#   default: 10
maxchilds = 10

# IP Address
#   The IP Address we listen on default: (any address)
ip =

# Port
#   The tcp port on we should listen. If you need a privileged port you
#   need to start p3scan as root (but don't set username to root,
#   that's not necessary, because first after opening the port we will
#   switch to that user).
#   default: 8110
port = 8110

# Username
#   The username the daemon should run as. Takes no effect when you
#   start as a non-root user.
#   default: mail
user = mail

# Notify Directory
#       Create notification mails in <DIR>. Also used for temporary storage.
#  default: /var/spool/p3scannotify
notifydir = /var/spool/p3scan/notify

# Virus Directory
#   The directory in which infected mails will be stored.  It is also
#   used for temporary storing. Ensure that the above specified user is
#   allowed to write into!
#   default: /var/spool/p3scan
virusdir = /var/spool/p3scan

# Just Delete
#  Instead of keeping an infected message in the Virus Directory, delete
#  it after reporting it to the user.
#  default: Keep infected messages in Virus Directory

# Bytes Free
#  The number of KB's there must be free before processing any mail.
#  If there is less than this amount, p3scan will terminate any
#  connections until the problem is resolved.
#  default: bytesfree = 0 (disable checking for space)
# Sample: If you want to ensure 100MB are free
#bytesfree = 0

# Scanner Type
#   Select here which type of scanner you want to use.
#   At the moment you can choose between 'basic' and 'avpd'.
#   Basic:
#     This is the default. The configured executable (set in variable
#     scanner) will be invoked. You can also specify parameters (we are
#     using /bin/sh).  At the end the path to the mail and a "2>&1" is
#     appended.  The program can tell us if it's a virus returning Scanner
#     Returncode (see below) or exit code 0 means, which all ok, all
#     others are reported to syslog, but mails will be delivered unless
#     justdelete is enabled above. The output is scanned using a regular
#     _expression_ which describes where the virusname can be found
#     (see virusregexp).
#     If demime is not set 'path to mail' is the full filename to the
#     rfc822 message, which you MUST NOT DELETE or MODIFY (except you know
#     how to modify)! If your scanner can not handle rfc822 messages (e.g.
#     McAfee uvscan) set demime and 'path to mail' is a directory which
#     contains all MIME-Parts splitted into separate files. That files are
#     not needed after scanning, so p3scan deletes them.
#     You will find a sample-configuration for McAfee's uvscan
#     (http://www.mcafee.com/) in the below sections.
#   AVPD:
#     AVPD is a frontend to 'Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Linux'
#     (http://www.kaspersky.com/) , which provides a daemon named
#     'kavdaemon'. Once the daemon has been started we connect to
#     kavdaemons socket and tell what files to scan.  This gives a rapid
#     speed increasement since the virus-definitions and other
#     scanner-initialization has only to be done once! Here a result from
#     a speedtest which I've made: Running kavdaemon, quallcomms qpopper
#     and p3scan on an Intel P1 with 133MHz and 64MB RAM a client using
#     Netscape-Mail was able to fetch 500 mails (including POP3- UIDL-
#     setting) in 62 seconds (each mail sized 2kByte)!
#     We just need to know in which directory your kavdaemon writes the
#     socket 'AvpCtl' and file 'AvpPid', default is '/var/run', which is
#     ok using AVP-default installation, leave in that case the below
#     variable scanner commented, otherwise set there the path. Parameter
#     viruscode and virusregexp will not be used.
#     Actual versions of avpd can't handle rcf822, so set demime (this is
#     not standard, it's possible that Kaspersky Labs includes rfc822
#     checking in further releases).
#     Important note about using kavdaemon:
#     Ensure that virusdir (/var/spool/p3scan) is included in AVPs
#     'enabled path list', otherwise the mails will not be scanned, but
#     kavdaemon returns ok (I've found no way to check if the mail has
#     been scanned or not). Mail yourself the eicar.com testvirus (from
#     http://www.eicar.com ) to check it!). The 'enabled path' can be set
#     in /opt/AVP/defUnix.prf in the 'Names' line (add
#     ';*/var/spool/p3scan'). Also check if there is a config file in
#     /root/.AVP/ which has higher precedence (if kavdaemon runs a root,
#     otherwise check that users $HOME/.AVP ).
#     Trophie is an OpenSource Anti-Virus Daemon, which uses the
#     virus-scanengine and -database from Trend Antivirus. Trophie can be
#     found at http://www.vanja.com/tools/trophie/ . Configuration is very
#     simple, just set scannertype to 'trophie' and it should work. If you
#     don't use trophies standard-config  you have to set scanner to the
#     trophie socket.
#   default: basic
scannertype = basic

# Virusscanner
#   Depends on scannertype. Read the above section of that scannertype
#   you're going to use and you do not need to ask what to fill in here.
#   default: depending on scannertype:
#     basic   : <no default>
#     avpd    : /var/run/
#     trophie : /var/run/trophie
# Sample: scannertype basic using McAfee UVSCAN:
# scanner = /usr/local/uvscan/uvscan
# Sample: scannertype basic using FRISK F-Prot Antivirus:
scanner = /usr/bin/clamscan --disable-summary

# deMIME Setting
#   Uncomment this if we should parse all MIME-sections instead of passing
#   the as-it-is mail to the scanner.
#   default: <no demime>
# demime

# Scanner Returncode
#   Specify the returncode(s) which the scanner returns when the mail is
#   infected. P3Scan does its part (sending the notification and not the
#   infected mail) only when it gets the specified returncode(s).
#   A returncode value of 0 from the scanner is assumed to mean that the
#   message is clean. Any other unspecified value will add warning lines
#   to your logfiles but THE MESSAGE WILL BE DELIVERED!
#   Only used from scannertype 'basic'.
#   default: 1
# Sample: scannertype basic using McAfee UVSCAN:
# viruscode = 13
# Sample: scannertype basic using FRISK F-Prot Antivirus:
# viruscode = 3,8

# Regular _expression_ for Virusname
#   Specify here a regular _expression_ which describes where the name of the
#   virus can be found. If not specified, the first substring is used;
#   specify it appending '/' and the substring number (1-9) at the end.
#   PerlCompatibleRegularExpressions are used, case sensitive and the
#   ungreedy option. Only used by scannertype 'basic'.
#   default: <none>
# Sample: McAfee UVSCAN
# virusregexp = ^[[:space:]]*Found( the|:)[[:space:]]*(.*)[[:space:]]*(|virus[^a-z.]*)$/2
# Sample: FRISK F-Prot Antivirus
# virusregexp = (?=Infection\:)[[:space:]]*(.*)$

# Enable Spam checking
#  If set, will scan for Spam before scanning for a virus.
#  P3scan has been tested with Mail::SpamAssassin v2.6 and it
#  uses the interface spamd/spamc.
#  You should start spamd before running p3scan. For example:
#  "spamd -L -d" (run in local mode only, daemonize)
#  man spamd for more information.
#  default: no checking of spam

# Mail::SpamAssassin
#  Where to find spamc, the link to the SpamAssassin daemon spamd.
spamcheck = /usr/bin/spamc

# Rename Attachments
#  If renattach is installed and this option is un-commented, we
#  will execute renattach to rename dangerous attachments.
#  (See README for more information)
#  default: none
#renattach = /usr/local/bin/renattach

# Overwrite (disable) HTML
#  If a person views an HTML message, not only can the client
#  download pictures automatically, it enables someone viewing
#  the remote log file to confirm the email address is valid
#  make it "worth" keeping/selling, etc...
#  default: do not disable HTML

# Debug
#       Turn on debugging.
#       default: off
# debug

# Quiet
#  Disable reporting of normal operating messages. Only report errors
#  or critical information.
# default: display all less debug info
# quiet

# Template
#  Where to look for an email-template when our own mail has to be send
#  instead of an infected mail. That file has to be exist, otherwise
#  p3scan will send an RFC unconform -ERR and closes the connections.
#  The email-template should be a complete email, that means a
#  mail-header (to, from, subject, date) , specify also content-type, and
#  so on. Also the leading dot is necessary (just a dot and no more in
#  the last line). You can use some key- words which will be replaced
#  when sending, e.g. %MAILDATE%.
#  default: /etc/p3scan/p3scan.mail
template = /etc/p3scan/p3scan.mail

# END of configuration

Miguel Morales escribió:
Hola Manuel.

    Perdona no te conozco pero mirando info sobre
p3scan en la lista de correos de debian veo que
ofreces el fichero de configurarción de p3scan. Te
agradecería si me lo pasas así como las reglas de
iptables que supongo hacen falta para enrutar los
puertos contra p3scan. 

Un saludo.

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