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configurar ftp

Bom dia pessoal,

estou configurando o meu proftpd para escutar na porta 2121.
fiz NAT no DLINK DSL-500B version BCM-1.1.CT-20090928
mas nao consegui fazer conectar o servido de FTP. fiz a alteraçoes
abaixo no /usr/local/etc/proftpd.conf   :

# Port 21 is the standard FTP port.
Port                            2121

ftp> ls
500 Illegal PORT command
ftp> ls
500 Illegal PORT command
ftp> pwd
257 "/" is the current directory
ftp> help
Commands may be abbreviated.  Commands are:

!               debug           mdir            qc              send
$               dir             mget            sendport        site
account         disconnect      mkdir           put             size
append          exit            mls             pwd             status
ascii           form            mode            quit            struct
bell            get             modtime         quote           system
binary          glob            mput            recv            sunique
bye             hash            newer           reget           tenex
case            help            nmap            rstatus         tick
cd              idle            nlist           rhelp           trace
cdup            image           ntrans          rename          type
chmod           lcd             open            reset           user
close           ls              prompt          restart         umask
cr              macdef          passive         rmdir           verbose
delete          mdelete         proxy           runique         ?
ftp> ls
500 Illegal PORT command

nao consigo listar e nem transferir arquivos..
Alguem poderia me ajudar ou teria outra solucao.

desde já agradeço qualquer sugestao.

Carlucio Lopes - 62-8592-8800 msn: carlinuxs@hotmail.com
http://www.tinycobol.org http://www.debian.org http://www.postgresql.org

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