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java para debian

olá pessoal,
  Recebi hoje um pacote de programas com extensão .java, gostaria de saber
quais pacotes devo instalar no meu debian sarge para rodar este
programas porque dei este comando e veio a menssagem:

Julia:~# apt-cache search java
adabrowse - HTML generator for Ada 95 library unit specifications
albert - Common Lisp -> DocBook documenter
antlr - A language tool for constructing recognizers, compilers etc
apache - versatile, high-performance HTTP server
apache-perl - versatile, high-performance HTTP server with Perl support
apache-ssl - versatile, high-performance HTTP server with SSL support
astyle - Source code indenter for C++/C/Java/C# source code
axyl-lucene - The Axyl Luceneserver
binstats - Statistics tool for installed programs
bnfc - Compiler front-end generator based on Labelled BNF
bock - bootstrap-only compiler kit for a subset of Java(tm)
cccc - C and C++ Code Counter, a software metrics tool
cgiirc - web based irc client
checkstyle - checks Java source against a coding standard
cl-inflate - Common Lisp package to decompress a gzip, jar, and winzip file
classpath - GNU Classpath - clean room standard Java libraries
classpath-doc - Java API documentation
classpath-tools - Free 'javah', 'javap', 'serialver' equivalents
coco-java - Coco/R Compiler Generator (Java Version).
cup - LALR parser generator for Java(tm)
daemon - turns other processes into daemons
dart-server - a distributed testing and dashboard system server
dbbalancer - Database connection pooling, load balancing and
ddd - The Data Display Debugger, a graphical debugger frontend
decafc - Compiler for the toy language Decaf
develock-el - additional font-lock keywords for the developers on Emacs
dia2code - a dia-UML code generator
doc++ - A documentation system for C/C++, IDL and Java
docbook-jrefentry - DocBook XML JRefEntry DTD
docbook-xsl - stylesheets for processing DocBook XML files to various
output formats
doctorj - A tool to analyze Java code
ecb - Code browser for several languages for Emacs.
entity - XML-based GUI builder for GTK+
entity-c - XML-based GUI builder for GTK+ (C bindings)
entity-doc - XML-based GUI builder for GTK+
entity-gl - XML-based GUI builder for GTK+ (OpenGL bindings)
entity-javascript - XML-based GUI builder for GTK+ (JavaScript bindings)
entity-python - XML-based GUI builder for GTK+ (Python bindings)
entity-tcl - XML-based GUI builder for GTK+ (TCL bindings)
epydoc-doc - official documentation for the Epydoc package
exuberant-ctags - build tag file indexes of source code definitions
fastjar - Jar creation utility
fpdns - remotely determine DNS server version
free-java-sdk - Complete Java SDK environment consisting of free Java tools
fte-console - Text editor for console (no I18N support). (for programmers)
fte-terminal - Text editor for terminals. (for programmers)
fte-xwindow - Text editor for X Window System with I18N support. (for
gcj - The GNU Java compiler
gcj-3.3 - The GNU compiler for Java(TM)
gcj-3.4 - The GNU compiler for Java(TM)
gdb - The GNU Debugger
gdb-avr - The GNU Debugger for avr
gij - The GNU Java bytecode interpreter
gij-3.3 - The GNU Java bytecode interpreter
gij-3.4 - The GNU Java bytecode interpreter
gjdoc - documentation generation framework for java source files
glimmer - Programmer's editor with multiple windows and syntax highlighting
global - Source code search and browse.
gob - GTK+ Object Builder
gob2 - GTK+ Object Builder
gweled - A "Diamond Mine" puzzle game
gxedit - GTK-based text editor
hasciicam - ascii for the masses
henplus - JDBC SQL commandline frontend with TAB-completion
ht - Viewer/editor/analyser (mostly) for executables
hunit-doc - Haskell Unit Testing Framework Documentation
igal - online image gallery generator
jamvm - Java Virtual Machine which conforms to JVM specification 2
jasmin-sable - java assembler compiler
java-common - Base of all Java packages
java2html - Highlight Java and C++ sources for WWW presentation
javacc - A parser generator for use with Java
jed - editor for programmers (textmode version)
jflex - lexical analyzer generator for Java
jikes - Fast Java compiler adhering to language and VM specifications
jikes-classpath - Wrapper for jikes using classes from Classpath package
jikes-gij - Wrapper for jikes using GNU GIJ classes
jikes-kaffe - Wrapper for jikes using Kaffe classes
jikes-sablevm - Wrapper for jikes using classes from SableVM JVM
jlex - A Lex-style lexical analyser generator for Java
jlint - A Java Program Checker
jlint-doc - Manual for jlint - a Java Program Checker
jmk - A cross-platform make tool written in Java
jsvc - native application to launch java applications as daemons
jsvc-dev - development files for jsvc
juic - The Qt Java UI Compiler
junior-internet - Debian Jr. Internet tools
junit - Automated testing framework for Java
jython - Python seamlessly integrated with Java
jython-doc - Jython documentation including API docs
k3d - 3D modeling and animation system
k3d-doc - 3D modeling and animation system - Documentation
kaffe - A JVM to run Java bytecode
kaffe-jthreads - A green threads enabled version of the Kaffe VM
kaffe-pthreads - A POSIX threads enabled version of the Kaffe VM
kaffe-pthreads-profile - A POSIX threads and profiling enabled version of
the Kaffe VM
kdebindings-java - KDE Java bindings metapackage
kjscmd - A script interpreter using the KDE JavaScript library
konqueror - KDE's advanced File Manager, Web Browser and Document Viewer
langdrill - language drills to test vocabulary
lg-issue11 - Issue 11 of the Linux Gazette.
lg-issue32 - Issue 32 of the Linux Gazette.
lg-issue33 - Issue 33 of the Linux Gazette.
lg-issue45 - Issue 45 of the Linux Gazette.
lg-issue46 - Issue 46 of the Linux Gazette.
lg-issue48 - Issue 48 of the Linux Gazette.
lg-issue57 - Issue 57 of the Linux Gazette.
lg-issue58 - Issue 58 of the Linux Gazette.
lib-dom-java - Java bindings for the DOM API Level 1 - dummy package
libant1.5-java - Java based build tool like make
libant1.6-java - Java based build tool like make -- library
libantlr-dev - A language tool for constructing recognizers, compilers etc
libapache-mod-jk - Apache 1.3 connector for the Tomcat Java servlet engine
libapache-mod-php4 - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (apache
1.3 module)
libapache2-mod-jk2 - Apache 2.0 connector for the Tomcat Java servlet engine
libapache2-mod-php4 - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language
(apache 2.0module)
libbcel-java - Analyze, create, and manipulate (binary) Java class files
libbcel-java-doc - Documentation for Byte Code Engineering Library (BCEL)
libclass-inner-perl - A perlish implementation of Java like inner classes
libcommons-beanutils-java - utility for manipulating JavaBeans
libcommons-cli-java - API for working with the command line arguments and
libcommons-codec-java - encoder and decoders such as Base64 and
hexadecimal codec
libcommons-collections-java - A set of abstract data type interfaces and
libcommons-collections3-java - A set of abstract data type interfaces and
libcommons-daemon-java - Java API to launch java applications as daemons
libcommons-dbcp-java - Database Connection Pooling Services
libcommons-digester-java - Rule based XML Java object mapping tool
libcommons-discovery-java - locates classes that implement a given Java
libcommons-fileupload-java - File upload capability to your servlets and
web applications
libcommons-jexl-java - expression language engine
libcommons-jxpath-java - manipulate javabean using XPath syntax
libcommons-lang-java - Extension of the java.lang package
libcommons-logging-java - The commmon wrapper interface for several
logging API
libcommons-modeler-java - A convenience library to use Java Management
Extensions (JMX)
libcommons-modeler-java-doc - Javadoc API documentation and examples for
Commons Modeler
libcommons-net-java - internet protocol suite Java library
libcommons-pool-java - A set of objects that implement the pooling pattern
for java objects
libcommons-validator-java - ease and speed development and maintenance of
validation rules
libcrimson-java - XML parser which support the Java API for XML Processing
libcrimson-java-doc - XML parser which support the Java API for XML
Processing (JAXP)
libdb4.1-java - Berkeley v4.1 Database Libraries for Java
libdb4.2-java - Berkeley v4.2 Database Libraries for Java
libdcop3-java - DCOP bindings for Java
libdcop3-java-dev - DCOP bindings for Java (dcopidl2java program)
libdcop3-jni - DCOP bindings for Java ( Native libraries )
libdom1-java - Java bindings for the DOM API Level 1
libdrb-ruby - Distributed Ruby
libdrb-ruby1.6 - Distributed Ruby for Ruby 1.6
libdtdparser-java - Java DTD parser library
libentity-dev - XML-based GUI builder for GTK+ (core library development
libentity0 - XML-based GUI builder for GTK+ (core library)
libexception-class-perl - a module that allows you to declare real
exception classes in Perl
libgcj-common - Java runtime library (common files)
libgcj-dev - Java development headers and static library for use with gcj
libgcj4 - Java runtime library for use with gcj
libgcj4-common - Java runtime library for use with gcj (jar files)
libgcj4-dev - Java development headers and static library for use with gcj
libgcj5 - Java runtime library for use with gcj
libgcj5-common - Java runtime library for use with gcj (jar files)
libgcj5-dev - Java development headers and static library for use with gcj
libgconf-java - Gconf bindings for Java
libgetenv-java - Java library for obtaining environment variables
libgetopt-java - GNU getopt - Java port
libghc6-hsql-dev - Multi-Database Interface System for Haskell
libghc6-hunit-dev - Haskell Unit Testing Framework, GHC 6 libraries
libglade-java - Glade bindings for Java
libglade0-java - Dummy package to aid upgrade
libglade2-java - Java support for libglade gnome interface
libgnet-dev - Developer files for GNet network library
libgnet2.0-0 - GNet network library
libgnome-java - Gnome bindings for Java
libgnome-jni - Gnome bindings for Java
libgnome-speech3 - GNOME text-to-speech library
libgnome0-java - Dummy package to aid upgrade
libgnome0-jni - Dummy package to aid upgrade
libgnome2-java - Java framework for creating GNOME applications
libgnome2-jni - Java framework for creating GNOME applications
libgnu-regexp-java - Regular Expressions for Java
libgnucrypto-java - full-featured cryptographic library in Java
libgnuinet-java - extension library to provide extra network protocol support
libgnujaf-java - free implementation of the javabeans activation framework
libgnujaxp-java - free implementation of jaxp api
libgnujaxp-java-doc - Documentation API of a free implementation of jaxp api
libgnujaxp-jni - native bindings for gnujaxp to libxml2 and libxslt1
libgnujmi-java - free implementation of the java metadata interface
libgnumail-java - free implementation of the javamail API
libgql-0.5-1 - Generic C++ SQL Library
libgql-0.5-dev - Generic C++ SQL Library - development files
libgql-0.5-script - Generic C++ SQL Library - Scripting support
libgql-driver-0.5-mysql - Generic C++ SQL Library - MySQL driver
libgql-driver-0.5-pg - Generic C++ SQL Library - PostgreSQL driver
libgql-driver-0.5-sqlite - Generic C++ SQL Library - SQLite driver
libgtk-java - GTK+ bindings for Java
libgtk-jni - GTK+ bindings for Java
libgtk0-java - Dummy package to aid upgrade
libgtk0-jni - Dummy package to aid upgrade
libgtk2-java - Gtk framework for Java
libgtk2-jni - GTK framework for Java
libgtksourceview-common - common files for the GTK+ syntax highlighting
libhtml-widgets-selectlayers-perl - Perl extension for selectable HTML layers
libhttp-browserdetect-perl - Determine the Web browser, version, and
platform from an HTTP user agent string
libhugs-hunit - Haskell Unit Testing Framework, Hugs libraries
libjama-dev - C++ Linear Algebra Package
libjava-gnome-doc - API docs and example apps for GTK/GNOME java bindings
libjavascript-perl - Perl extension for executing embedded JavaScript
libjavascript-rpc-perl - Perl module to process Remote procedure calls
from JavaScript
libjaxen-java - Java XPath engine for use on a variety of XML object models
libjaxp1.2-java - Java XML parser and transformer APIs (DOM, SAX, JAXP, TrAX)
libjdepend-java - tool to measure design quality of java class and source
libjdom-java - lightweight and fast library using XML
libjdom0-java - lightweight and fast library using XML
libjdom1-java - lightweight and fast library using XML
libjessie-java - free implementation of the Java Secure Sockets Extension
libjs0 - The NGS JavaScript interpreter - shared library
libjs0-dev - The NGS JavaScript interpreter - development files
libjsch-java - java secure channel
libjsch-java-doc - java secure channel examples
libjzlib-java - Reimplementation of zlib in pure java
libkde3-java - kdelibs bindings for Java
libkde3-jni - kdelibs bindings for java ( Native libraries )
libkjsembed-dev - Embedded JavaScript library (Development files)
libkjsembed1 - Embedded JavaScript library
liblog-log4perl-perl - A Perl port of the widely popular log4j logging
liblog4cpp-dev - A C++ library for flexible logging (development files)
liblog4cpp-doc - A C++ library for flexible logging (documentation)
liblog4cpp1c102 - A C++ library for flexible logging
liblog4j1.2-java - Logging library for java
liblog4j1.2-java-doc - Documentation for liblog4j1.2-java
liblogkit-java - Lightweight and fast designed logging toolkit for Java
libmcardplugin - MuscleCard Applet PlugIn
libmusclepkcs11 - PKCS#11 support using the MuscleCard framework
libmx4j-java - An open source implementation of the JMX(TM) technology
libmysql-java - Java database (JDBC) driver for MySQL
libnbio2-java - NBIO: Nonblocking I/O for Java, Version 2
libopenthreads - Object-Oriented (OO) thread interface for C++
programmers, development files
libopenthreads-dev - Object-Oriented (OO) thread interface for C++
programmers,development files
libopenvrml4 - runtime shared library for VRML
libopenvrml4-dev - developer libraries for openvrml
libopenvrml4-doc - documentation for openvrml
liboro-java - Regular expression library for Java
liboscache-java - High performance and widely used J2EE caching solution.
libounit-ocaml-dev - Unit testing framework for Objective Caml
libpgjava - Java database (JDBC) driver for PostgreSQL
libpng-sixlegs-java - Java package to read and display PNG images
libqca1 - Qt Cryptographic Architecture - shared library
libqt3-java - Java bindings for Qt
libqt3-jni - Java bindings for Qt ( Native libraries )
libreadline-java - GNU readline and BSD editline wrappers for Java
libreadline-java-doc - API docs for readline/editline wrappers for Java
libregexp-java - regular expression library for Java
librelaxng-datatype-java - Datatype interfaces for Relax NG
libroxen-flash2 - Flash2 module for the Roxen Challenger web server
libroxen-jsredirect - Javascript pulldown menu module for the Roxen
Challenger web server
libsablevm-classlib1-java - GNU Classpath modified to work with SableVM JVM
libsablevm-native1 - GNU Classpath modified to work with SableVM JVM
(native part)
libsablevm1 - Free implementation of JVM second edition - library
libsablevm1-dev - Free implementation of JVM second edition - JNI
development files
libsaxpath-java - Java XPath engine for use on a variety of XML object models
libservlet2.3-java - Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 Java classes and documentation
libsmjs-dev - Development files for the SpiderMonkey JS library
libsmjs1 - The Mozilla SpiderMonkey JavaScript library
libsnmp1.4-java - Open Source implementation of the SNMP protocol in Java
libsoap-lite-perl - Client and server side SOAP implementation
libspiffy-perl - Spiffy Perl Interface Framework For You
libswingwt-dev - Swing/AWT API over SWT library for development
libswingwt0 - Swing/AWT API over SWT library
libswingwt0-java - Swing/AWT API over SWT JAR library
libswt-gtk3-java - Standard Widget Toolkit for GTK Java library
libswt-motif3-java - Standard Widget Toolkit for Motif JAR library
libswt-mozilla3-java - Standard Widget Toolkit for GTK Mozilla Java library
libtest-unit-perl - a unit testing interface for Perl
libtool - Generic library support script
libtool1.4 - Generic library support script (obsolete version)
libvtk4 - Visualization Toolkit - A high level 3D visualization library
libwerken.xpath-java - JDOM XPath Engine
libxerces-java - Validating XML parser for Java
libxerces2-java - Validating XML parser for Java with DOM level 3 support
libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java - XML entity and URI resolver library
libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java-doc - XML entity and URI resolver library
-- documentation
libxml-namespacesupport-perl - Perl module for supporting simple generic
libxml-sax-perl - Perl module for using and building Perl SAX2 XML processors
libxp-java - XML 1.0 parser for Java
libxt-java - An implementation in Java of XSL Transformations
libzip-ocaml - ocaml compression libraries
libzip-ocaml-dev - ocaml compression libraries
libzipios++-dev - a small C++ library for reading zip files (development)
libzipios++0c102 - a small C++ library for reading zip files (library)
links2 - Web browser running in both graphics and text mode
mapserver-bin - mapserver binary utilities
mapserver-doc - documentation for mapserver
mindterm - java ssh client that can be used as a web applet
mmake - Makefile generator for Java programs
motor - C/C++/Java Integrated Development Environment
motor-common - C/C++/Java Integrated Development Environment
motor-fribidi - C/C++/Java Integrated Development Environment
mozilla-browser - The Mozilla Internet application suite - core and browser
mozilla-cascades - A stylesheet editor for Mozilla Composer
mozilla-chatzilla - Mozilla Web Browser - irc client
mozilla-ctxextensions - Context Menu Extensions for Mozilla
mozilla-js-debugger - JavaScript debugger for use with Mozilla
mozilla-plugin-vlc - multimedia plugin for Mozilla based on VLC
mozilla-venkman - Javascript debugger for Mozilla and Firefox
ngs-js - The NGS JavaScript interpreter
nice - Extension of Java with parametric types, multi-methods, and more
oo-browser - Object Oriented Class Browser (for emacsen)
openoffice.org-dev-doc - OpenOffice.org SDK - documentation and examples
openthreads-doc - Documentation for Object-Oriented (OO) thread interface
pantomime-dev - Objective-C library for mail handling
pantomime1 - Objective-C library for mail handling (development files)
php3 - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (apache 1.3 module)
php3-cgi - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (CGI binary)
php3-cgi-gd - GD (graphic creation) module for PHP3 (use with php3-cgi)
php3-cgi-imap - IMAP module for PHP3 (use with php3-cgi)
php3-cgi-ldap - LDAP module for PHP3 (use with php3-cgi)
php3-cgi-magick - ImageMagick module for PHP3 (use with php3-cgi)
php3-cgi-mhash - mhash module for PHP3 (use with php3-cgi)
php3-cgi-mysql - Mysql module for PHP3 (use with php3-cgi)
php3-cgi-pgsql - PostgreSQL module for PHP3 (use with php3-cgi)
php3-cgi-snmp - SNMP module for PHP3 (use with php3-cgi)
php3-cgi-xml - XML module for PHP3 (use with php3-cgi)
php3-dev - Header files for PHP3 module development
php3-doc - Documentation for PHP3
php3-gd - GD (graphic creation) module for PHP3 (use with php3)
php3-imap - IMAP module for PHP3 (use with php3)
php3-ldap - LDAP module for PHP3 (use with php3)
php3-magick - ImageMagick module for PHP3 (use with php3)
php3-mhash - mhash module for PHP3 (use with php3)
php3-mysql - Mysql module for PHP3 (use with php3)
php3-pgsql - PostgreSQL module for PHP3 (use with php3)
php3-snmp - SNMP module for PHP3 (use with php3)
php3-xml - XML module for PHP3 (use with php3)
php4 - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (meta-package)
php4-cgi - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (CGI binary)
php4-cli - command-line interpreter for the php4 scripting language
php4-common - Common files for packages built from the php4 source
php4-curl - CURL module for php4
php4-dev - Files for PHP4 module development
php4-domxml - XMLv2 module for php4
php4-gd - GD module for php4
php4-imagick - ImageMagick module for php4
php4-imap - IMAP module for php4
php4-interbase - InterBase (FireBird) module for PHP4
php4-ldap - LDAP module for php4
php4-mcal - MCAL calendar module for php4
php4-mcrypt - MCrypt module for php4
php4-mhash - MHASH module for php4
php4-mysql - MySQL module for php4
php4-odbc - ODBC module for php4
php4-pear - PEAR - PHP Extension and Application Repository
php4-pgsql - PostgreSQL module for php4
php4-recode - Character recoding module for php4
php4-rrdtool - RRD module for php4
php4-snmp - SNMP module for php4
php4-sybase - Sybase / MS SQL Server module for php4
php4-tclink - TrustCommerce TCLink module for php4
php4-xslt - XSLT module for php4
phpgroupware-felamimail - phpGroupWare felamimail (Squirrelmail) module
phpunit - Unit testing suite for PHP4
pnet-compiler - DotGNU Portable.NET C# compiler & tools
postgresql-autodoc - utility to create system tables overview in HTML, DOT
and XML
postgresql-contrib - additional facilities for PostgreSQL
postman - High performace web based IMAP and NNTP client
python-editobj - Python object editor
python-epydoc - tool for generating Python API documentation
python-psyco - python specializing compiler (for the default python version)
python-psyco-doc - python specializing compiler documentation
python2.1-epydoc - tool for generating Python API documentation
python2.1-psyco - python specializing compiler (for python 2.1)
python2.2-epydoc - tool for generating Python API documentation
python2.2-psyco - python specializing compiler (for python 2.2)
python2.3-epydoc - tool for generating Python API documentation
python2.3-nevow - Web application templating system for Python and Twisted
python2.3-psyco - python specializing compiler (for python 2.3)
python2.4-psyco - python specializing compiler (for python 2.4)
qca-dev - Qt Cryptographic Architecture - development files
rhino - JavaScript engine written in Java
rhino-doc - Documentation for rhino Java Script Engine
sablecc - object-oriented compiler framework
sablevm - Free implementation of Java Virtual Machine (JVM) second edition
sanitizer - The Anomy Mail Sanitizer - an email virus scanner
screem - A GNOME website development environment
sloccount - Programs for counting physical source lines of code (SLOC)
source-highlight - convert source code to html
spidermonkey-bin - Binaries of the SpiderMonkey interpreter
sqlrelay - Database connection pooling, proxying and load balancing
sqlrelay-dev - SQL Relay C and C++ APIs
sqlrelay-doc - SQL Relay Documentation
squirrelmail - Webmail for nuts
src2tex - A converter from source program files to TeX format files
steam - Environment for cooperative knowledge management
steam-lib - Environment for cooperative knowledge management (libs)
swig - Generate scripting interfaces to C/C++ code
swig1.3 - Generate scripting interfaces to C/C++ code
swingwt-demo - Swing/AWT API over SWT demonstration
tau-racy - Tuning and Analysis Utilities - Tcl/tk profiler GUI
tcllib - The Standard Tcl Library
texify - Beautify source code for use with LaTeX
tik - Tcl/Tk client for the AOL Instant Messenger service
trueprint - pretty printing of source code
trustees - Advanced permission management system for Linux.
vrweb - A VRML browser and editor
webmin - web-based administration toolkit
wipl-client-inetd - A client for wipl-daemon, run from inetd
wipl-client-java - A client for wipl-daemon, usable through a web interface
xcardii - Graphical program to manage a MuscleCard smartcard
xchm - Compiled HTML Help (CHM) file viewer for X
xjed - editor for programmers (x11 version)
zed - Powerful, multipurpose, configurable text editor
zope-kupu - Cross-browser document-centric WYSIWYG editor for Zope
E este
Julia:~# apt-get install java
Lendo Lista de Pacotes... Pronto
Construindo Árvore de Dependências... Pronto
E: Impossível achar pacote java

F. W. S. Lima
Departamento de Física
Centro de Ciência da Natureza
Campus Petrônio Portela
Universidade Federal do Piauí
wel@ufpi.br,wel@fisica.ufc.br, wel@sobral.org

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