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Re: Riesen Dumheit als root gemacht


und auch gleich vielleicht ein Lösungsvorschlag:

chmod(1) kennt "--reference=file", wenn Du also ein vergleichbares
System zur Hand hast und beide zeitgleich mounten kannst, sollte das
damit funktionieren (mit etwas "find"-Magie...)

Kannst Du den Script im Anhang versuchen, den hatte ich mir mal für
einen ähnlichen Zweck gemacht. Ich weise aber ausdrücklich darauf hin,
daß der Script für nichts zu gebrauchen ist, auch nicht für den
eigentlichen Verwendungszweck. Du wirst also vorher ein Backup brauchen!

    Best regards from Dresden
    Viele Grüße aus Dresden
    Heiko Schlittermann
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#! /usr/bin/perl
# $Id: permer.pl 31 2004-09-23 06:47:35Z heiko $
# $URL: svn://svn/projects/permer/trunk/permer.pl $
# Started as a quick hack because I messed up the permissions of my /etc
# and had an old(!) backup from where I wanted to restore the
# permissions only.  //.hs Wed, 22 Sep 2004 22:53:51 +0200
my $USAGE = <<'#';
Usage: $ME dir > FILE	    # save permissions to file
       $ME [opts] dir < File	    # restore permissions from file

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find;
use File::stat;
use File::Basename;
use AppConfig;

my @CONF = (
    { CASE => 1 },
    "create-symlinks" => { ARGS => "!", default => 0 },
    "help" => { ARGS => "!", default => 0 },
    "verbose" => { ARGS => "!", default => 0 },

my $ME = basename $0;
my $FS = "\0|";
my $RS = "\0\n";
my $conf = new AppConfig(@CONF) or die "$ME: config problem\n";


print(eval "\"$USAGE\""), exit 0 if $conf->help;
die eval "\"$USAGE\"\n" if @ARGV != 1 or (-t STDIN and -t STDOUT);

chdir $ARGV[0] or die "Can't chdir to $ARGV[0]: $!\n";

if (-t STDIN and !-t STDOUT) {
    print STDERR "backup mode...";

	bydepth => 1,
	wanted => sub {
	    my $stat = lstat $_;
	    warn "skipping $File::Find::name\n" 
		if not -l $_ || -f _ || -d _;
	    # store the relevant data,
	    # for symlinks store the target, for all
	    # other store the mode
	    print join("\0|",
		(-l $_ ? "l" : "-"),
		(-l _ ? readlink($_) : sprintf("%04o", $stat->mode & 07777)),
		$stat->uid, $stat->gid,
		$stat->mtime, $stat->atime), $RS;
    }, ".");
    print STDERR "\n";
    exit 0;

if (!-t STDIN) {
    -t STDOUT;	# for sake of warnings
    print STDERR "restore mode...\n";
    $/ = $RS;
    while (<STDIN>) {
	my ($type, $name, $mode, $uid, $gid, $mtime, $atime) 
	    = split /\Q$FS\E/;
	print "$type $name $mode $uid/$gid \n"
	    if $conf->verbose;
	# do not touch existing symlinks
	-l $name and next;  

	# create new symlinks?
	if ($type eq "l") { 
	    next if not $conf->get("create-symlinks"); 
	    symlink($mode, $name) 
		or warn "$name: can't create symlink to $mode: $!\n";

	# rest
	-e $name or warn("missing: $name\n"), next;
	chmod oct($mode), $name 
	    or warn "$name: can't chmod to $mode: $!\n";
	chown $uid, $gid, $name 
	    or warn "$name: can't chown to $uid:$gid: $!\n";
	utime $atime, $mtime, $name
	    or warn "$name: can't utime to $atime/$mtime: $!\n";
    print STDERR "\n";
    exit 0;

# vim:sts=4 sw=4 aw ai sm:

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