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Re: UTF-8-Editor für mutt

Habe noch was vergessen.

Auszug aus dem manual von mutt und Kommentare der ~/.mutt/muttrc

  ____ ( 'stdin' ) _____________________________________________________
|    66..33..1111..  aassssuummeedd__cchhaarrsseett
|    Type: string
|    Default: "us-ascii"
|    [mutt-ja] This variable is a colon-separated list of character
|    encoding schemes for messages without character encoding indication.
|    Header field values and message body content without character
|    encoding indication would be assumed that they are written in one of
|    this list.  By default, all the header fields and message body without
|    any charset indication are assumed to be in "us-ascii".
|    For example, Japanese users might prefer this:
|    set assumed_charset="iso-2022-jp:euc-jp:shift_jis:utf-8"
|    However, only the first content is valid for the message body.  This
|    variable is valid only if ``$strict_mime'' is unset.

set assumed_charset="usacsii"

|    66..33..2222..  cchhaarrsseett
|    Type: string
|    Default: ""
|    Character set your terminal uses to display and enter textual data.

set charset="utf-8"

Damit funktioniert Arabisch, Hebraisch und Kyryllisch. 
Gibt aber mit Umlautemn un dsz probleme
Verwende ich

set charset="iso-8859-15"

Funktioniert es mit Umlauten und sz, 
aber ich kann nichts mehr auf arabisch tippen

|    66..33..5533..  ffiillee__cchhaarrsseett
|    Type: string
|    Default: ""
|    [mutt-ja] This variable is a colon-separated list of character
|    encoding schemes for text file attatchments.  If unset, ``$charset''
|    value will be used instead.  For example, the following configuration
|    would work for Japanese text handling:
|    set file_charset="iso-2022-jp:euc-jp:shift_jis:utf-8"
|    Note: "iso-2022-*" must be put at the head of the value as shown above
|    if included.

Set file_charset="us-ascii:iso-8859-1:iso-8859-15:utf-8"

|    66..33..9933..  llooccaallee
|    Type: string
|    Default: "C"
|    The locale used by _s_t_r_f_t_i_m_e_(_3_) to format dates. Legal values are the
|    strings your system accepts for the locale variable _L_C___T_I_M_E.

set locale="de_DE.UTF-8"

|    66..33..223311..  sseenndd__cchhaarrsseett
|    Type: string
|    Default: "us-ascii:iso-8859-1:utf-8"
|    A list of character sets for outgoing messages. Mutt will use the
|    first character set into which the text can be converted exactly.  If
|    your ````$charset'''' is not iso-8859-1 and recipients may not
|    understand UTF-8, it is advisable to include in the list an
|    appropriate widely used standard character set (such as iso-8859-2,
|    koi8-r or iso-2022-jp) either instead of or after "iso-8859-1".

set send_charset="us-ascii:iso-8859-1:iso-8859-15:utf-8"

Danach muesste "mutt" eigentlich wissen, das Umlaute und sz in 
iso-8859-1 drin sind und bei der verwendung von Euro ebend iso-8859-1. 



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