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Re: procmail + cyrus-imap

Ralf Lieb <rlieb1@htwm.de> writes:

> Ich bekomm' das Filtern mit
> procmail in die imap-Boxen nicht gebacken.

Ich hab das folgende irgendwo irgendwann mal im Netz gefunden.
Funkt bestens mit Cyrus.
Auch wenn ich mittlerweile nur noch Gnus Splitting nehme :)

# procmail.common 
# This is the main procmail file with common SPAM recipes
# First we define some basics


:0 D
* $LOGNAME ?? [A-Z]
    LOGNAME=`echo "$LOGNAME" | tr A-Z a-z`


# We define DELIVERMAIL just to prevent a lot of extra
# typing later on.  We define SPAMIT to prevent even more
# repetitive typing, as it's the same action for every user. 
# This assumes we set up a SPAM folder right off the INBOX 
# for every user on the system.  If we neglect to do that, we'll
# get in a bit of trouble.



| /usr/local/bin/spamc -f -s 5000000


:0 fhw
| formail -I "From "

* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

* ^Subject:.*\*\*\*\*\*SPAM\*\*\*\*\*.*

* ^Subject:.*=?ks_c_5601-1987?.*

# This file includes the appropriate procmail.$LOGNAME
# file so that each user has his or her own recipe techniques
# for subscribed lists, e-mail alerts, etc.

# Before we begin any recipes, let's make a backup
# copy of any incoming mail.
# Remember to comment out the next recipe once
# you know everything is working fine, otherwise
# you'll fill up the backup directory very quickly. 
# Some procmail tutorials demonstrate how you can
# set a quota on the backup directory so that you can
# leave it in force at all times.

#:0 ic

# If users want to be able to define their own private recipes 
# and put them in their home .procmailrc files, comment out 
# the next definition.
# These recipes will be processed BEFORE the user-specific
# recipes that are kept in the /home/cyrus directory
# INCLUDERC=/home/$LOGNAME/.procmailrc
# If you do NOT want to define any user-specific recipes
# that you manage centrally (perhaps because you only want
# to allow your users to "roll their own," then 
# comment out the following line.  Otherwise, you have
# to create a file for each user in the form: 
# procmail.username -- for example, procmail.Joe

# INCLUDERC=/var/lib/cyrus/procmail/proc.$LOGNAME

# Now we begin our recipes

# Email-specific SPAM recipes
# Here's one example

# General SPAM Recipes
# Here are a few examples
# The "To:" line doesn't exist

* !^To:

# The "To:" line is empty

* ^To: $

# The "From:" line is empty
* ^From: $

# All the mail that falls
# through the above recipes
# will be put into the user's
# inbox.  This is always the LAST 
# recipe to appear in the file.

* EXTENSION ?? [a-z]


:0 e

# End of procmail.common file

begin  OjE-ist-scheisse.txt
bye, Joerg                 Encrypted Mail preferred!
Registered Linux User #97793 @ http://counter.li.org

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