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Global Operations Linux Dedicated Server Probleme..

Hi Alle zusammen,

wie das Topic bereits schon verät wollte ich fragen ob jemand schon diesen
Game Server aufgesetzt.

Den ich hab folgendes problem:
Ich benutze Debian Woody 3.0
und zwar habe ich die install.txt wie Beschrieben abgearbeitet.
Blos wenn ich als normaler User goserver starten will übernihmt er nicht die
einträge aus der .bashrc und ich weiss nicht woran es liegt.
Wenn ich aber als root den server starte kommt folgende fehler Meldung.

GB-Server:/globalops# ./goserver.elf -profile server.prf
World ended
World ended

Und ich hab schon bei google und allen mir bekannten qullen hachgeschaut und
wurde nicht fündig.

Die install.txt hänge ich an diese Mail ran.

Ich hoffe das Ich mir da weiter Helfen könnt.


Here are the installation steps for the Global Operations LINUX server:

1.Restore the goserver package by using command "gunzip goserver.tar.gz", 
  then "tar xvf goserver.tar".
  It will automatically create a goserver directory with all of the files 
  in it. 
  Under the goserver directory, there are 3 sub-directories: bin,lib and 
  Under bin/linux_release, you will find the server executable (goserver.elf) 
  and server profile(server.prf). 
  Under lib/linux_release, there are three dynamic libraries we used. 
  Under globalops you will find all of the resource files necessary for 
  running goserver.elf. 
2.Move the executable file (goserver.elf) and server profile file(server.prf) 
  from bin/linux_release/*.* to the goserver directory (with goserver as your 
  current directory, type "mv bin/linux_release/*.* .").
3.Move the dynamic libraries (*.so under the lib/linux_release/) to the system
  path /usr/local/lib/(with goserver as your current directory, 
  type "mv lib/linux_release/*.so ."). And then check the .bashrc shell file, 
  if there is already an assignment path defined like 
  "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib",it is OK. If no such defined path, 
  add "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib" in your .bashrc 
4.If you want to bind the LINUX server to a specific IP, add a line in the 
  server.prf with "-bindip=a.b.c.d" or directly bind the IP as an argument, 
  see below if not defining the bind IP in the server.prf file.

You may need to restart your machine. Run the LINUX dedicated server 
by typing "./goserver.elf -profile server.prf [-bindip a.b.c.d]".

Update record with the goserver1.2.1 distribution(Apr.8.2002):
1.added the BindIP feature.
2.changed the client executable, server shell etc version(major,minor,build) 
  to 1.26.2.
3.changed the server version to 1.2.
4.took out the useless debug message, 
  such as "IsClientInTrouble:second cond" etc.
5.changed back the connection trouble count to be the same 
  as the window server.
6.changed the "serverbandwidth" to "3" in the globalops/server.cfg file.
7.added the sprites resource directory and files in the globalops directory.

Update record with the goserver1.2.2 distribution(Apr.9,2002):
8.took out the unnecessary debug message from the source code, 
  cut the output message to minimum limit.
9.took out the arguments like "-gamename", "-maxplayers" and "-world" 
  that defined in the server.prf  server app profile file, 
  so solved the map rotation problem.

Update record with the goserver1.2.3 distribution(Apr.10,2002):
10.solved a bug dealing with the no objective item counter when loading the map.

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