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Re: Iptable-Firewall für Anfänger

* Michael Pahle <m.pahle@lug-ketsch.de> [02-02-02 13:17]:

> debbi:/home/michael# $ grep ^Listen /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
> bash: $: command not found
> Mach ich da was falsch?

Steht doch da. ;-)

uk@one [2]:~ $ michael
bash: michael: command not found

uk@one [2]:~ $ grep 631 /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
# default IPP port of 631.  It changes users whenever an external
# Ports/addresses that we listen to.  The default port 631 is reserved
#    Port 631
#    Listen hostname:631
#    Listen
Listen localhost:631
#Port 631
#BrowsePort 631

uk@one [2]:~ $ vi /etc/cups/cupsd.conf

Gruss Uwe

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