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Re: [Debian] Kanalbuendelung

On Sun, Sep 23, 2001 at 11:06:05PM +0200, Stephan Splitthoff wrote:

> installiert/konfiguriert ist, bin ich mir nicht sicher ob es evtl. an
> einer falschen (zu alten) Version von i4l oder ipppd liegt.

Nö, läuft hier schon seit längerem, ab slink oder vorher...
> Als Kernel laeuft auf dem Rechner 2.2.18, normale ISDN-Verbindungen
> klappen einwandfrei.

Multilink-PPP muß im Kernel eincompiliert sein.

> Zuerst hatte ich nur eine Verbindung (ippp0). Dann hab ich mir fuer einen
> anderen Provider ein zweites device ippp1 angelegt.
> Hierzu hab ich in /etc/isdn/ die Dateien device.ippp0 und ipppd.ippp0
> kopiert (in device.ippp1 und ipppd.ippp1).

Die zum Testen evtl. erstmal zur Seite schieben.

Ich poste mal meine modifizierte device.ippp0, in ipppd.ippp0 sollte
als erste Option stehen:

/dev/ippp0 /dev/ippp1

Dann die Option +mp auskommentieren, das wars mit dieser Datei. Statt
ippp1 kann man natürlich auch eine andere Zahl benutzen, ich glaube,
das hatte ich so mal laufen.

Hier das device.ippp0 zum Vergleichen und Anpassen:

# REMOVE the next line once configuration is complete #########################
# echo "Warning! $0 (not) configured yet! Aborting..."; exit 1
# REMOVE the above line once configuration is complete ########################

# Instructions: read the comments for each command, and if necessary, edit
# the command (e.g. replace EAZ with your real EAZ or MSN).
# If the command is commented out, remove the leading '#' to enable it if
# the command is needed.
# After you have configured this file, remove the "Warning!" line above to
# enable this file.

# Get the device name
set -e ; device=`basename $0`; device=${device#*.}

# set some important values
# Use for LOCALIP and for REMOTEIP if you have
# dynamic IP addresses; with static address fill in the real values!


# Phone numbers (without the leading zero)
LOCALMSN=123456 	# XXX_
REMOTEMSN=5317411    # XXX_

# Uncomment this line below for multilink ppp.
# Make shure +mp is defined in /etc/isdn/ipppd.ipppX!

DEVICE1="ippp1"		# Device used for multilink ppp

# Encapsulation (default is syncppp for ipppX devices, rawip for isdnX devices)
# Change the next four lines if you need some other value.
if expr ${device} : ippp > /dev/null
then	ENCAP=syncppp
else	ENCAP=rawip

# New with kernel 2.0.36 is the `dialmode' setting.
# dialmode=auto is compatible with the old behaviour (dial-on-demand enabled).
# Read the isdnctrl manpage for more info.
# Change the value below if you want a different setting when the interface is
# started.


# Configuration (start)

case "$1" in

	# If running kernel 2.0.31 or higher, enable the IP dynamic hack
	# (if needed). See linux/Documentation/ip_dynaddr.txt .
	# You may also need to use the ip-up and ip-down scripts in
	# /usr/doc/isdnutils/examples to get the routing correct. Those
	# scripts should be put in /etc/ppp, but beware of overwriting any
	# existing scripts belonging to the "ppp" package!
	[ -f /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr ] && echo 7 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr
	# First you need to create the interface
	isdnctrl addif ${device}

	#	eaz name num
	# Set the EAZ (German 1TR6 protocol) or MSN (Euro-ISDN E-DSS1) for
	# interface "name" to "num". For an EAZ this is only one digit, for a
	# MSN "num" is the whole MSN.
	# In the Netherlands this includes the areacode, but not the leading 0.
	# (other countries?)
	isdnctrl eaz ${device} $LOCALMSN

	#	addphone name out num
	# Set the phone number(s) of the remote site for the IP-interface
	# "name". More than one number can be set by calling isdnctrl addphone
	# repeatedly. If more than one number is set these will be tried one
	# after another. When using an german SPV-type connection, with a
	# ICN-card, the number has to be preceeded by a capital S.   
	# This is the "normal" number.
	isdnctrl addphone ${device} out 0$REMOTEMSN

	#	addphone name in num
	# Set the phone number(s) that the IP-interface "name" is supposed to
	# accept for incoming calls. If no num­ ber is given incoming calls are
	# disabled. More than one number can be set by calling isdnctrl addphone
	# repeatedly. Also wildcards can be used (see below). 
	# In the Netherlands (and elsewhere?),
	# this is with areacode but without leading 0
	# isdnctrl addphone ${device} in $REMOTEMSN

	#	secure name on|off
	# Turns on or off the security feature for interface "name". If set to
	# on, incoming calls will only be accepted if the calling number has
	# been added to the access list with isdnctrl addphone name in. 
	isdnctrl secure ${device} on

	#	huptimeout name seconds
	# Set the hangup timeout for interface "name" to "seconds". If there
	# is inactivity (i.e. no traffic on the interface) for the given time
	# the driver automatically shuts down the connection. 
	# Default is 60 seconds
	isdnctrl huptimeout ${device} 50

	# 	dialmax name num
	# Set the number of dial atempts for interface "name" to "num". If
	# dialing, each phonenumber is tried this many times before giving up.
	#isdnctrl dialmax ${device} NUM

	#	ihup name on|off
	# Turn on or off the hangup timeout for incoming calls on interface name
	#isdnctrl ihup ${device} on

	#	 encap name encapname
	# Set the encapsulation mode for interface "name". Possible modes for
	# encapname are: rawip ip cisco_h ethernet syncppp uihdlc 
	# (most people use rawip, syncppp or cisco_h; syncppp is normal for
	# ISP's, rawip is normal for semi-fixed linux-linux connections)
	isdnctrl encap ${device} $ENCAP

	#	l2_prot name protocol
	# Set the layer-2 protocol for interface "name". Possible values for
	# "protocol" are x75i, x75ui, x75bui and hdlc 
	# (most people use hdlc)
	isdnctrl l2_prot ${device} hdlc

	#	l3_prot name protocol
	# Set the layer-3 protocol for interface "name". At the moment only
	# trans is supported.  If protocol is omitted the current setting is
	# printed.   
	isdnctrl l3_prot ${device} trans

	#	verbose num
	# Set verbosity level to <num>. 
	# (2 shows the first package of every connection, that is very useful.)
	# WARNING: this is a global parameter, that affects all isdn devices!
	isdnctrl verbose 3


	#	chargehup name on|off
	# Turn on or off hangup before next charge info for interface name. This
	# can only be used if the ISDN provider transmits charge info during and
	# after the connection. If set to on, the driver will close the
	# connection just before the next charge info will  be received if the
	# interface is inactive. 
	isdnctrl chargehup ${device} on

	#	chargeint name seconds
	# When "seconds" are given, the charge interval for the given interface
	# is set. This may be of use on ISDN lines with no chargeinfo or no
	# online chargeinfo. The connection will only be closed 2 seconds before
	# the end of the next charge interval and only, if huptime out seconds
	# of inactivity have been reached. If ihup is on, also incomming
	# connections are closed by this mechanism.
	isdnctrl chargeint ${device} 60


	#	callback name off|in|out
	# Selects callback mode for interface "name". If call­back mode is in,
	# then after getting an incoming call, a callback is triggered. If
	# callback mode is out, then this system does the initial call, then
	# waiting for callback of the remote machine. 
	#isdnctrl callback ${device} MODE

	#	cbdelay name seconds
	# Set the callback delay for interface "name" to "seconds". If callback
	# mode for this interface is in, dialing is delayed the given time. If
	# the callback mode is out, after dialing out and waiting the given
	# time, a hangup is issued to free the line for the incoming callback
	# from the remote machine. This hangup-after-dial is disabled by setting
	# cbdelay to 0.  
	#isdnctrl cbdelay ${device} SECONDS

	#	cbhup name on|off
	# Turns on or off Hangup (Reject) for interface "name" before starting
	# Callback. 
	#isdnctrl cbhup ${device} MODE


	# There are other options not used by most people.  You can insert these
	# options here. 

	# See also : isdnctrl(8), isdnctrl help text

	# 	MPPP Stuff

	if [ $DEVICE1 ] ; then
	isdnctrl addslave ${device} $DEVICE1    # Create new slave interface 'DEVICE1'
	isdnctrl addphone $DEVICE1 out 0$REMOTEMSN   # Set outgoung phone-number
	isdnctrl eaz $DEVICE1 $LOCALMSN     # Set local EAZ ..
	isdnctrl l2_prot $DEVICE1 hdlc          # for sync PPP: set Level 2 to HDLC
	isdnctrl l3_prot $DEVICE1 trans         # not really necessary, 'trans' is default
	isdnctrl encap $DEVICE1 syncppp         # encap the IP Pakets in PPP frames
	isdnctrl huptimeout $DEVICE1 50        # Hangup-Timeout is 300 sec. -> 5 min
	isdnctrl chargehup $DEVICE1 on         # Hangup before next Charge-Info
	isdnctrl chargeint $DEVICE1 60
	isdnctrl secure $DEVICE1 on             # Accept only configured phone-number
	isdnctrl dialmode $DEVICE1 auto         # Auto-Dial

	# pppbind is needed when using one ipppd per ippp interface
	# (like Debian does)
	if bindnum=`expr $device : 'ippp\(.\)'`
		isdnctrl pppbind ${device} `expr "$device" : 'ippp\(.\)'`


	# Network device setup as usual. 
	# See also : ifconfig(8) route(8) or any book about unix networking.

	ifconfig ${device} up
	ifconfig ${device} $LOCALIP pointopoint $REMOTEIP
#	route add -host $REMOTEIP
	# setting default route here is only useful if this is your only
	# outside connection...
	route add default ${device}                     
	# firewall rules
	# Note that the default rule should be to deny all incoming connections!
	# That's done with the line below:
	#	ipfwadm -I -p deny
	# After that you need to allow incoming connections on eth0 and lo:
	#	ipfwadm -I -a accept -W lo -S
	#	ipfwadm -I -a accept -W eth0 -S
	# Of course, change to fit your ethernet network number...
	# The ipfwadm commands above should be done only once, e.g. in
	# /etc/init.d/netbase in the function spoof_protect.
	# The firewall rules below will only work here if using static IP
	# addresses!!!  For dynamic addresses the rules should be added in
	# /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/isdnutils and deleted in /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/isdnutils
	# Next two lines enable inbound packets to non-service ports
	# except for smtp and ident (for mail and identification of
	# connections, a Good Thing).
	#	ipfwadm -I -a accept -W ${device} -P tcp  -D $LOCALIP smtp ident 1024:65535
	#	ipfwadm -I -a accept -W ${device} -P udp  -D $LOCALIP 1024:65535
	#	ipfwadm -I -a accept -W ${device} -P icmp -D $LOCALIP
	# masquerading rules, for transparently connecting local net to internet
	#	ETH_IP=`hostname -i | tr -d ' '`
	#	ipfwadm -F -a accept -m -P tcp -S $ETH_IP/24
	#	ipfwadm -F -a accept -m -P udp -S $ETH_IP/24
	isdnctrl dialmode $device $DIALMODE || true

# Delete the interface
	isdnctrl dialmode $device off || true
	# Commands to undo the network stuff
	# Undo any ipfwadm commands done above! Change the -a to -d, put below.
	route del $REMOTEIP	2> /dev/null || true
	# only delete default route if set above!
	route del default	2> /dev/null || true
	ifconfig $device down	2> /dev/null || true
	isdnctrl delif $device	2> /dev/null || true

# the rest is generic, don't touch
	echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
	exit 1

exit 0


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