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Re: [Debian]:proftpd und begrenzte useranzahl

Hallo Ulrich.

| Hallo,
| ich möchte bei proftpd die Useranzahl begrenzen, und zwar global, d.h.
| egal ob anonymous oder Benutzer-Login.
| maxClients tut dies für anonymous-logins.
| Wie kann ich das allgemein einrichten?

Das müsste das sein, wonach du suchst.
Aus /usr/doc/proftpd/Configuration.html:

Syntax: MaxClients number|none message
Default: MaxClients none
Context: server config, <Anonymous>, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Compatibility: 0.99.0 and later

The MaxClients directive configures the maximum number of authenticated clients
which may be logged into a server or anonymous
account. Once this limit is reached, additional clients attempting to
authenticate will be disconnected.

The special value none may be supplied which removes all maximum connection
limits from the applicable configuration context.
Additionally, an optional message argument may be used which will be displayed
to a client attempting to exceed the maximum value;
immediately before disconnection. The message argument is parsed for the magic
string "%m", which is replaced with the configured
maximum value. If message is not supplied, a system-wide default message is
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